Macks Creek held their National Honor Society Induction on Wednesday evening, welcoming 15 new members to the chapter. Each member pledged to uphold the four pillars of NHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.
MCHS NHS Chapter President Trinity Husong gave the welcome and opening remarks. The Macks Creek NHS Chapter has been inducting new members since 1988, and with Wednesday’s ceremony, continues the emphasis that the chapter represents the emphasis on excellence for the school and community. In addition to the strong academic records, which established member’s eligibility for membership, members are also leaders in many student organizations and serve the school in many different activities. These include FBLA, FFA, FCA, Student Council, Art Club, music, and athletics.
NHS Member Kamora Merchant spoke on Scholarship. "Scholarship denotes a commitment to learning. Candidates have the charge to continually explain their world through the opportunities inherent in Scholarship."
NHS Member Gabby Eversole spoke on Leadership. "Leadership should exert a wholesome influence on the school. In taking initiative in the classroom and in school activities, the real leader strives to train and aid others to reach their common goals of success."
NHS Member Brooklyn Duggan spoke on Service. "Service can be established in the routine of the day's work where many opportunities arise to help others both at school and in the community. Our members are committed to volunteering our time and talents to the creation of a better tomorrow."
NHS Member Addison Ratliff spoke of Character. "Character is the force within the individual that distinguishes each person from others. By demonstrating such qualities as respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship, we hope to prove that we value Character."
President Trinity Husong leads the new inductees in the Chapter Pledge.
Congratulations to the new Macks Creek High School National Honor Society Members: Sophomores Bailey Allan, Eli Chartlon, Brooklyn Downing, Calvin Eidson, Brooklyn Green, Kaylee Hicks, Israel Husong, Ella Marshall, Madison Moos, Madison Stoner, and Eva Willis. Juniors William Humphrey, and Seniors Paxten Breshears, Chase Christian, and Savannah Leach!