Macks Creek AG students have been participating in a program through Missouri Farmers Care this semester: Agriculture Education on the Move (Ag Moves). For a full letter about the program please click here: Ag Ed on the Move
Ag students in the high school visit with Third Grade students in the Elementary. AG members participating are Sophomores Morgan Buck, Kassidy Campbell, Trenton Arnold, Wyatt Brooks, and Ty Glawson, along with Freshmen Eva Willis, Brooklyn Downing, Brooklyn Green, Tyler Brown, and Ava Willis. This is a ten week program that introduces students to many different areas through hands-on activities that also cover "state learning objectives in science, math, social studies, and language arts." Topics that they have covered so far include beef, corn, soil, and soybeans. "Through the curriculum, students learn about Missouri farm families and how the dedication and year-round efforts of these farmers and ranchers impact their lives."