Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
February 10, 2025
The regular Feburary meeting was called to order at 5:30 by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Liz Stoner and members Ray Husong, Cody Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no public comment. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, January minutes as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $311,128.35. The March Regular Board meeting is set for the 25th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips discussed cash flow as well as the guidelines addressing the appropriate use of tax payer funds relative to the district's "no tax" increase school bond issue this April. While it is permissable for the district to pass a resolution regarding a press release, the Missouri Ethics Commission provides a great deal of additional guidance relative to appropriate and inappropriate use of tax-payer funds relative to sharing about the bond issue.
Dr. Phillips also reported positive feedback received from substitute teachers since the board increased the pay for our subs to $100. Anyone interested in serving as a substitute should be aware there are different pathways to certificaton. For example, the State approved a 20-hour course that can be taken to become licensed for anyone who does not have 60 hours of college credit. Anyone with 60 college credit hours may fill out a brief application to apply for a certificate. The last requirement is to complete a background check. Macks Creek R-V covers the cost of the background check which can be obtained at various nearby locations. Retirees or anyone who already posseses a valid teaching certificate may be immediately hired as a sub in any district. To learn more please visit:
During Old Business, the board discussed progress toward our district's Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) academic goals this school year. The principals shared various measures of student progress from assessment tools our teachers utilize. Dr. Phillips highlighted progress within each grade, K through 6, and Mr. Trusty highlighted progress in grades 7 through 8, as well as in various subject matters in the high school. The presentation included a comparrison of Beginning of the Year to Middle of the Year data. While this data is utilized to inform instruction and tailor lessons to specific student needs, it is also a predictor of how well students will peform on high-stakes testing this Spring. Everyone at Macks Creek School is hard at work striving to make the most out of the time with our students! The board voted to maintain our CSIP as it stands. The board will discuss campus and facility improvement goals during next month's meeting.
Next the board moved to New Business which included the following:
The board reviewed the results of two surveys conducted relative to three different calendar options. The first survey was sent to the parents and guardians of each student. Families were presented with discussion and three separate calendar options to consider before being asked their preference. Families were also asked to consider their preference toward the use of Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) as a way to mitigate the impact of snow days upon student learning and the use of snow-make up days. The results are below:

Next the board reviewed the survey results of the same survey instrument sent only to faculty and staff. The results of this survey are below:

The board also considered each of the comments shared by respondents to each of the surveys and greatly appreciated the many thoughtful insights. The board concluded both families and Macks Creek R-V employees generally support the idea of utilizing AMI. The board directed Dr. Phillips to begin utilizing AMI this school year and to utilize it next year as a way to reduce the number of snow make-up days. For example, this school year we have nearly exhausted our built-in snow days. By applying AMI once the built-in days are used, the likelihood of using a day currently scheduled as a day off (on a nice day later this spring) will be greatly reduced. After much discussion, the board approved Calendar Option A, (the hybrid) for next school year. The board approved calendar for the 2025-2026 school year is available here.
Next the board evaluated our employee health insurance program. The board approved 8 medical plans (4 PPO options and 4 HSA options) for next school year. Due to an increase in premium for these plans, the board voted to increase the board paid monthly health insurance for each employee from $500 to $529 (which will represent approximately $26,000 in board paid premium and the 14.5% for teachers and 6.85% for staff paid to the retirement system for the increased benefit next school year).
The board voted to accept the bid of Twin Lake Construction to perform gutter and downspout maintenance and replacement on several of the buildings throughout our campus.
The board voted to accept the bid of SD & K Masonry to stablize the old gymnasium floor.
Next the board voted to approve a "Resolution to Issue a Press Release in Support of April 8, 2025 Ballot Initiative" before hearing the principals' report.
Slides shared during Dr. Phillips and Mr. Trusty's report are below:

The board adjourned at 8:16 PM and went directly into closed session.
The board renewed the principals' contracts through June 30, 2027. Dr. Jori Phillips has twenty-five years in education and has served Macks Creek Elementary as principal for twelve years. Mr. Jason Trusty has 20 years in education and has served as the principal of Macks Creek Middle & High School for the past 4 years.
The board hired Mrs. Renae Ratliff to serve as bookkeeper begining July 1, 2025. Mrs. Ratliff has served as the secretary to the superintendent for the past three years. She has a background in banking and medical billing and is looking forward to serving our school in this new role.
The board discussed a climate survey to share with each of our district's employees. The collected survey results will be reviewed during next month's board meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
January 23, 2025
The regular January meeting was called to order at 5:30 by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Liz Stoner and members Ray Husong, Cody Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no public comment. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, December minutes as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $311,653.46. The February Regular Board meeting is set for the 10th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
Incumbent Board Members Mr. Ray Husong and Mrs. Stacy Trusty signed up to run for school board along with Mrs. Megan Boothe. All three candidates will run for two open seats. This year's election will be held on Tuesday, April 8th.
Many Federal Program Annual Evaluations are underway or complete:
ESEA (Federal Title Programs) - accepted/approved October & December submissions, now working on February submission
Child and Adult Care Food Program - This is how we fund our daily Super Snack. The review is complete with a penalty due to an inappropriate menu item (granola sprinkled on top of yogurt-fruit parfaits) which made all meals that included this item non-reimbursable. The review also took issue with teacher/staff children who were not on a “roster”. All students are counted daily when they recieve super snack, but employee children must also be rostered. Some of these students were if they participated in an after-school activity. CACFP allows for any student staying after school to participate in the program regardless of the reason for staying after.
McKinney-Vento (Homeless) - Accepted/Approved
Foster Care & English Learners - In progress, due Feb 15
ESEA Financial Assessment - Accepted/Approved
Special Education Tri-Annual Review - Underway all year long
2024 W-2 Process is Complete & W-2's are all distributed!
Long Branch AOG met with Dr. Phillips to inquire about ways to support our school. They are interested in hosting a project graduation style event, providing a laundromat for student/family use and providing a meal for our staff during a PD event. The church also has a group that gathers to pray for our school here on campus each Sunday after church.
Annual Tax Check from County Clerk
Will be available for pick-up on Tuesday
Collector's office not yet ready to share amount collected…
OSBA Board Meeting to Determine Insurance Packages & Rates for 25-26 Health Insurance Premiums is tomorrow.
Analysis of College & Career Data Submitted for next year’s Annual Performance Report
Last year’s data which includes students who took dual-credit courses, classes at LCTC, took ASVAB, ACT, ACT Workkeys, IRC test, etc. Good scores bring up our average and bad drive it down. Ex: Dual Credit A or B in course helps, C or below hurts…
Tight window for appeals January 18 - 31.
Also includes where graduates are now and what they are doing…
Understanding data flow from our student information system to DESE is key.
Thank you to Camden County Road and Bridge as well as PWSD #1 for working hard to provide bottled water for students during a three-day boil order. We appreciated the quick delivery of an entire pallet of water for our thirsty students!
Upcoming Bond Issue Scope of Work
Upgrade kitchen equipment
Repaint kitchen and install new polished concrete floor
Demo old outside cooler
Install new dual cooler and freezer on exterior and cover with shed style roof
Install concession stand in Corner of Cafeteria
Remove remaining asbestos tile in hallways of the Elementary (Blue and White Tile)
Polish concrete in hallways where asbestos is removed
Refinish and restripe old Gymnasium floor
Demo walls on Storage area off old Gymnasium
Refinish remaining walls and install new Interlocking rubber floor for new weightroom
Install new drop ceiling in new weightroom areas with new LED flat panel lights
Install new basketball goals on walls in old gym after installation areas are verified by a structural engineer
In studying our campus in preparation for our bond issue, engineers have determined our old gym floor which was constructed in 1936 is not structurally sound. The piers holding up the flooring are in need of repair and/or replacement. Veregy will present a plan to make repairs which should be performed as soon as possible. The engineers suggested reducing the weight upon the floor. Our maintenance department has already begun dismantling the portable hoops which will reduce the load by about 4,000 lbs. In the meantime, the floor is safe for use for elementary PE, indoor recess, wrestling practice and cheer practice.
During Old Business, the board increased the daily pay for substitute teachers to $100 per day. The previous rate was $85 per day and it is hoped the increased rate will encourage more individuals to either become substitutes or consider driving from further away to sub at our school. Various routes to become a licensed substitute teacher in Missouri are available. The State approved a 20-hour course that can be taken to become licensed for anyone who does not have 60 hours of college credit. Retirees or anyone who already posses a valid teaching certficate does not need to also apply for a substitute teaching certificate and may be immediately hired as a sub in any district. To learn more please visit:
During New Business the board approved a resolution calling an election on a general obligation bond and in doing so approved the language of the bond issue that will appear on the April 8th ballot. This "no-tax increase" issue for voters to consider will read:
Shall Macks Creek R-V School District of Camden County, Missouri, without an increase in the current debt service levy of the District, issue its general obligation bonds in the amount of $1,500,000 for the purpose of improving, repairing and renovating the District’s facilities, including (1) improving the kitchen, cafeteria, old gymnasium and weight room,(2) abating asbestos at various facilities and (3) to the extent funds are available, completing other repairs and improvements to the existingfacilities of the District? If this proposition is approved, the adjusteddebt service levy of the District is estimated to remain unchanged from the current rate of $0.4053 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property.
Next the board approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the district and Central Ozarks Medical Center (COMC). Should COMC receive funding through a Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program grant, it will provide Macks Creek students with vision services in much the same way they already provide our students with dental services, utilizing a mobile care unit. The district has already installed the appropriate electrical infrastruture for COMC's Dental "van". If the grant is approved the Vision van will be powered and provide services from the same location.
Next, the board reviewed calendar options for next year. Dr. Phillips shares our school is one of two districts remaining in our conference that does not follow a 4-day per week schedule. The 4-day week concept has generated a lot of interest and he believes for teacher recruitment and retention purposes and because of the interest of many local families, it would be wise to include a 4-day option in our annual calendar survey. The board agreed and Dr. Phillips will send out the survey shortly. The board will consider the data when it sets the calendar for the 25-26 school year next month.
The board declared two portable basketball hoops as surplus. The following info was shared on the district's website:
The Macks Creek R-V School District is selling a pair of mobile, adjustable basketball hoops for $1,000. The hoops have been in use in our small gym for many years. They have been disassembled and are ready for transport. Buyer must be able to remove them from our campus immediately. The hoops are sold as is and must be removed at the buyer's own risk. Interested parties should email Dr. Josh Phillips at To view pictures please visit: and scroll down.
Lastly, the board heard the principals' report.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 PM and the board entered into closed session.
The board conducted an evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools and voted to extend Dr. Josh Phillips contract through June 30, 2028. Dr. Phillips is currently serving his 13th year at Macks Creek School and is in his 25th year of education. Prior to coming to Macks Creek, he served as an elementary principal, a K-3 literacy instructional coordinator, a 6th grade teacher and as a middle school spanish teacher.
The board approved the resignation of Mrs. Jody Etherton at the end of this school year. Mrs. Etherton joined the MC family last school year as a Middle School Social Studies Teacher before moving to the position of High School Math Teacher this year. She has also served our students as a substitute school bus driver and assistant coach. She is looking foward to a shorter commute next school year as she seeks a position closer to her home. Thank you Mrs. Etherton - we will miss you and wish you the best!
The board voted to accept the retirement of Mrs. Linda Clopp at the end of this fiscal year. Linda has served as our bookkeeper for the past four years. Dr. Phillips shared "it has been my privilege to work with Mrs. Clopp. She quickly learned the ropes regarding school bookkeeping and works tirelessly every day to keep everything running smoothly. Linda's hard work ethic, her attention to detail and her great sense of humor make working with her a lot of fun. We are going to miss her in the the district office". Mrs. Clopp, who is a Macks Creek School alum, served in the banking industry before leaving her first retirement to become our bookkeeper. Thank you Linda for your service to our students and everyone here at Macks Creek School! We wish you the very best in your second retirement!
The board approved the posting of the position of bookkeeper to in-house candidates. If no qualified applicants are found in-house the position will be posted outside the district. The position is full-time for twelve months each year.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
December 17, 2024
The regular December meeting was called to order at 5:30 by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Liz Stoner and members Ray Husong, Cody Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and was led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance by Preschool students and our Parents As Teacher Coordinator and Preschool teacher, Mrs. Kim Kaibel. The preschool students led board members by using both sign language and their voices to recite the Pledge. Mrs. Kaibel shared the following:
Preschool Update:
Twenty students are currently enrolled
Field trips Fischer Farms & Itty Bitty City
Our program follows the Missouri Learning Standards Model which incoporates "Play-Based Learning" with a focus upon social emotional, language & literacy, mathematics, science, physcial development and expressive arts.
Statistics show involvment with Preschool and Parents-As-Teachers means students are 80% more likely to score on grade level on state testing in the 3rd grade.
Serving 22 families (19 of which have children ages birth to three years & 8 have children ages 3 - 5)
Visits range from weekly, bi-weekly montly or every 3-months based up developmental needs of the children.
We host group meetings and provide screenings
Visit are open and include opportunities for observations of parent-child interactions to support development-centered parenting and family well-being. At each visit famlies receive handouts, a book with a corresponding activity as well as various activities to further learning.
There was no public comment. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, November minutes as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $342,139.37. The January Regular Board meeting is set for the 23rd at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
Sign-ups to run for School Board for the April 8, 2025 election are until December 31, 2024.
Working with Veregy & Sentry Financial to finalize details for gym/cafeteria remodel & bond issue language.
Ballot issue information is due January 28th.
Macks Creek Christmas Parade & Park Board Event at School was well attended
Long Branch AOG, FBC Macks Creek, Greenview Elks, Teachers & an anonymous Donor have donated gifts, food & funds so 30 MC families will have a wonderful Christmas!
Calendar Considerations
Traditional - may earn 1% more from formula if we go 174 days (100K)
New Law (26-27) states no less days than 169 or large districts will be penalized 1% of State Funding (doesn't apply to rural districts).
Hybrid - current and historically the most popular
4-Day - receiving lots of questions from staff if board will consider, not sure about community appeal…
Scope of Remodeling through extension of current levy (no-tax increase):
Upgrade kitchen equipment
Repaint kitchen and install new polished concrete floor
Demo old outside cooler
Install new dual cooler and freezer on exterior and cover with shed style roof
Install concession stand in Corner of Cafeteria
Remove remaining asbestos tile in hallways of the Elementary (Blue and White Tile)
Polish concrete in hallways where asbestos is removed
Refinish and restripe old Gymnasium floor
Demo walls on Storage area off old Gymnasium
Refinish remaining walls and install new Interlocking rubber floor for new weightroom
Install new drop ceiling in new weightroom areas with new LED flat panel lights
Install new basketball goals on walls in old gym after installation areas are verified by a structural engineer
During New Business, the school board addressed the following:
The board approved the FY24 Audit.- KPM CPA, Mrs. Jennifer Schatzer was on-hand to present and answer questions relative to our annual audit. Below is a summary:

Next the board approved a "Letter of Intent with Veregy to Provide Services that Will Result in Modernization of Facilities with Guaranteed Energy & Operational Savings".
The board then voted to approve Policy 1422 (dealing with advertising on district property), Policy 4560 (relative to employee retirement) and Policy 6325 & Regulation 6325 (regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence).
Lastly, the board heard the Principals' Report. Please click here to view slides shared by Dr. Phillips and Mr. Trusty.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 PM when the board entered into closed session.
The board approved the retirement of Mrs. Michelle Hellums, who has faithfully served our district for 19 years and has been teaching for 24 years. Mrs. Hellums has taught middle school science and middle school math. She began teaching here at Macks Creek when she and her family moved to the community when her children were school-aged. Her children have since graduated and Mrs. Hellums' grandchildren are now Macks Creek Pirates. Through the years, Mrs. Hellums has helped with countless projects and activities. She has served as our district's sponsor of the National Honor Society for several years helps out whereever she can. We are going to miss you Mrs. Hellums! Thank you for so many years of faithful service to the students of Macks Creek School!
The board discussed attendance appeals before the meeting was adjourned at 7:24 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
November 19, 2024
The regular November meeting was called to order at 5:30 by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Liz Stoner and members Ray Husong and Cody Stoner were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and was led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance by members of the Middle and & High School Student Council. The group highlighted the various activities in which they are currently involved. This year our STUCO has joined the Missouri Association of Student Councils to learn more about growing young leaders and learning strategies to more effectively support and encourage all of the students they represent. The group also highlighted changes to the way our school will celebrate homecoming this year which are:
Homecoming Olympics
Daily Competitions: Goal = Unify - not divide!
Spirit Days
Games; Finale = Class Skit
Decorations = Decorate the Hallways around campus
Bring in the community to showcase all of our decor
Incorporate Community Service - Canned Food Drive
Family Friendly Community Tailgate HOCO Night
Coronation Ceremony
No Dance Immediately After Ceremondy, instead host a 5th Quarter Dodgeball Tournament (Grades 7-12)
Formal Dance on Saturday (Grades 9-12) Dance Theme - “Mamma Mia”
In the graphic below STUCO shared all of the themes for each of our home basketball games this season. Don't miss out on this fun way to show your school spirit this season!

There was no public comment. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, October minutes as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $300,755.35. The December Regular Board meeting is set for the 17th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
Gymnasium Roof is sealed and under warranty. Project cost nearly $5,000 less than expected.
Will evaluate Vo-Ag Roof for next year
Should be approximately a 5-year break in roofing (Old gym is our oldest roof installed in 2015 followed by the K-2 Wing)
MOHEFA Loan to fund the purchase of two new school buses for $286,049 will be finalized on Thursday (2.9% interest for 60 months)
Sign-ups to run for School Board for the April 2, 2025 election are December 10 - December 31, 2024
Bus 29 Repair Complete - Fleet is restored to 8 buses
PTO researching ideas for projects funded with carnival donations
Thanks to Long Branch Assembly of God, Greenview Elks Lodge and local donors for providing Thanksgiving dinner for 26 families!
Dr. Phillips discussed this year's annual calendar survey which will include a traditional calendar, a 4-day week and hybrid calendar. The board will utilize the results to inform their decision to adopt next school year's calendar in February.
Dr. Phillips also discussed a request from the county to park two road graders and place a diesel fueling station on district property.
During New Business, the school board again discussed presenting a no-tax increase bond issue in April. Representatives from Veregy presented options for the board to consider. As previously shared the district has various facility needs. Below are list of the options the board is considering:
Upgrade kitchen equipment
Repaint kitchen and install new polished concrete floor
Demo old outside cooler
Install new dual cooler and freezer on exterior and cover with shed style roof
Install concession stand in Corner of Cafeteria
Remove remaining asbestos tile in hallways of the Elementary (Blue and White Tile)
Polish concrete in hallways where asbestos is removed
Refinish and restripe old Gymnasium floor
Demo walls on Storage area off old Gymnasium
Refinish remaining walls and install new Interlocking rubber floor for new weightroom
Install new drop ceiling in new weightroom areas with new LED flat panel lights
Install new basketball goals on walls in old gym after installation areas are verified by a structural engineer
Next the board heard the Principals' report which is below. There are so many great things happening here at Macks Creek School and we can't capture them all in one place. If you don't follow us on social media, please be sure to visit our Live Feed by clicking here to stay caught up. Our principals shared several slides regarding our school-wide Veterans Day Assembly during their report. To learn more about this event please review our News Article here.

Our school was humbled and privileged to be able to recognize so many local heroes at our ceremony this year. Thank you Veterans for your service and thank you for attending this year!

Thank you Veterans!

Thank you Veterans!

Thank you Veterans!

Corporal Jerry Wilson enlisted in the military in August of 1948 at the age of 17 during his Senior year in high school. He was presumed lost in July 1950, before his remains were found, interred as a missing soldier, and identified earlier this year. Corporal Wilson would have heard his name called in May of 1949, at what would have been his high school graduation, had he not answered the call to serve our Nation. On November 11, 2024, Macks Creek Schools read his name aloud and posthumously awarded Corporal Wilson with his high school diploma. Accepting it were cousins, Penny Curnutt Charlton and Janie Kueck. The Macks Creek R-V School District is grateful to Corporal Wilson for his service and incredible sacrifice to the United States of America!

Corporal Wilson's Family receives his posthumous diploma.

Thank you Veterans!

Thank you Veterans!

Congratulations to the Macks Creek HS Science Olympiad team for their First Place finish in the annual PCL Science Olympiad!

The Ozarks Sportszone released a Basketball Preview of the Macks Creek Lady Pirates. To read the article please click here. It is going to be a fun season watching the Lady Pirates this year!

The Ozarks Sportszone also released a Basketball Preview of the Macks Creek Pirates. To read the article please click here. It is going to be great watching the Pirates this year!

The photo above gives an example of student artwork on display throughout the high school.

Macks Creek Seniors are a busy bunch! While staying busy with extra-curriculars this year they are all making post-graduation plans. The top portion of the picture is featured in our cafeteria and the bottom portion adorns the east wall of our gymnasium.

Addie Ratliff had a great send-off for State Cross Country!

Addie ran hard this year at the State Cross Country Meet finishing 96th overall. She has qualified for State all four years of high school and enjoyed racing at MU's, NCAA course at Gans Creek in Columbia. Great job Addie!

Our FFA is always on the move! Three officers traveled to Jamestown and the group in the bottom right went to Climax Springs to support our neighboring chapter's barn-warming event .

At Macks Creek School, elementary students get sent to the principals' office for good behavior. These students above shared accomplishements with Dr. Phillips on Tuesday. Great job everyone!

At Macks Creek Middle & High School "Zero's Aren't Permitted". This graphic shows how many students need to turn in an assignment.

This graph shows what types of discipline has been adminstered in our middle and high school. Excessive refers to tardiness and is our most common reason for discipline.

Macks Creek teachers attended a grant writing workshop with elementary principal, Dr. Phillips. The group was excited to learn about an array of opportunities available to our school district. This group is now hard at work filling out applications and applying for funds. Many grants are contingent upon our Free & Reduced Lunch status which is currently just above 50% percent. If this number were higher, we would be eligible for many more opportunities. Families who may qualify are strongly encouraged to fill out a Free & Reduced lunch form. All information is confidential and participation in the program will save your family money while helping our school raise additional funds to support teaching and learning!

The board went into closed session at 6:41.
The board accepted the resignation of Mr. David Arnold. Mr. Arnold has served as a school bus driver for the past few years picking up students on his bus route in the south central portion of our district. He has also safely driven our FFA students to the National Convention in Indianapolis the past few years as well as many other field trips to various locations here in Missouri. We are grateful for his service to our students and will miss him.
The board approved, Mr. Everett Rector, our maintenance director to take over Mr. Arnold's route beginning Monday, December 2nd. Mr. Rector, who has previously served as a bus route driver previously and is a faithful substitute driver when needed, will run this bus route through the end of the school year. Macks Creek School is looking for a route driver for the 2025-2026 school year.
The board added Ms. Maredith Evans to our substitute teaching roster. Ms. Evans is earning a degree in Elementary Education and we are grateful she will be available to support and encourage our amazing students.
Lastly, the board discussed letters of appeal from students in violation of our attendance policy. Students who do not adhere to our school's attendance policy lose academic credit. Macks Creek School works hard to encourage students to be in regular attendance, not only to earn academic credits, but to ensure students develop habits that will support them when they enter the workforce while benefiting from as much teaching and learning as possible during their schooling. As a general rule, students who miss one day of school need two to three days to catch back up with their peers.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:24.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
October 29, 2024
The Regular October meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Liz Stoner and members Ray Husong, Cody Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and was led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance by members of the Elementary Student Council. The group highlighted the various activities in which they are currently involved. They are looking foward to an upcoming trip to Silver Dollar City next month.
There was no public comment. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, September minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $655,741.36 which included the purchase of two brand new school buses. The November Regular Board meeting is set for 19th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
Our newest board member, Mr. Cody Stoner completed his required training at the Fall MARE Conference at Lodge of the Four Seasons.
PTO Annual Fall Carnival was a lot of fun and a tremendous success raising over $22,000 - Our district appreciates our hard working PTO and everyone who helped with the event, donated items and funds as well as the hundreds of folks who turned out and made purchases!
We are the proud owners of two 2025 International School Buses.
Stiles Roofing will begin the application of flexible membrane to seal the roof of our main gym and egress that connects the high school and Vo-Ag next month.
Sign-ups to run for School Board for the April 2, 2025 election are December 10 - December 31, 2024
PCL Conference Schools are asked to set basketball gate fees at $4 for adults and $2 for students. This rate increase will take effect at our first home basketball game on November 25th. Considerations for these price increase are as follows:
The district does not make any profit on entry fees. For example, our most recent Middle School basketball game took in $312 at the gate.
One-hundred percent of the profit from the concession stand is used to fund our senior trip to Florida each year.
Officials generally cost the district $450 per game and the district must also pay a gate keeper, score keeper and book keeper at every game.
In years past the basketball gate “profit” payed for basketball officiating as well as officiating and fees for all other sports for which we do NOT charge any admission.
Due to fan tenacity and importance of getting calls correct, requirement to belong to officiating groups is to hire 3 officials per game.
Senior citizens are not charged and will continue to be admitted for free
Teachers should note, PCL Teacher Passes are only valid for each teacher to enter a conference game for free (not their entire family)
The Macks Creek Park Board is sponsoring a Christmas Event. Here are the details:
Saturday, December 14th
Would use our parking lot, gym and cafeteria.
Event would include a parade which would travel from Downtown to Oakstar Bank via State Road W and Carnahan.
Following the event, families will proceed to our campus to for activities, including food truck vendors, cookies with santa, seasonal games and live music.
Invitation will be extended to various groups to sponsor floats to ride and/or march in the parade which will be held during daylight hours.
During Old Business, the board briefly discussed progress on our district's Continuous School Improvement Plan.
During New Business, the board reviewed and approved the implementation of Curriculum in Health Class to educate students about becoming an organ donor when applying for a Missouri Driver’s License (Missouri Law 170.311). To learn more about this program and curriculum please visit:
Next the board heard and approved five different program reviews. Our Elementary Counselor, Mr. Tanner Glodt presented the counseling program review. Our Career and College Advisor, Mrs. Candace Bothwell presented the RootEd program review. Mr. Lee Dobbs presented the Homeless, Migrant and English Language Learners program reviews.
The board picked up its discussion regarding the consideration of a no-tax increase school bond issue to remodel our cafeteria, the old gymnasium and to perform the abatement of encapsulated asbestos in the flooring of the elementary hallways.
Lastly, the principals shared their report. Mr. Trusty included several slides about the FFA's trip to the National Convention in Indianapolis. To learn more about this event please click here to be redirected to a news story.

Congratulations to Addison Ratliff, who is the 2024 Girls Cross Country PCL Conference Champion, and the entire Macks Creek XC team for an outstanding morning at the Humansville Invite/PCL Conference Meet! For the XC Pirates, Vaughn took 15th in the meet while Chase and Parker both posted PR's. For the XC Lady Pirates, Jade earned All Conference (with a 10th place PCL finish) and Addie's 1st Place finish in the PCL earned her the title of 2024 Conference Champ! Addie also took 4th place overall in the meet. Bailey and Sean both ran well. Great job today XC team! Our team will travel to El Dorado Springs for their next meet this Tuesday.

Our Marching Band is looking foward to performing in upcoming Christmas parades. They will perform in Lebanon on Saturday, November 23rd for the Lebanon Christmas Parade. The parade starts @ 11:00.

FFA members are staying busy performing community service and participating in local meetings such as the annual Camden County Farm Bureau meeting and more.

Senior Julian Norman recently joined in the Navy! He is headed to take the Oath of Enlistment in this photo. Our entire student body turned out to congratulate him as he headed to Kansas City for the ceremony. Thank you for taking these first steps in the service of the United States of America Julian!

Many of our seniors are finalizing their post graduation plans. Visits to Whiteman Air Force Base and Ozarks Technical College campus in Lebanon have helped with their decision making.

These seniors will all attend State Fair Community College next year. They recently took the opportunity to travel to Sedalia to meet with their advisors and tour the campus.

Our RootEd Career and College Advisor has set up various opportunities for seniors to visit with recent alums to gain insight into what life will look like shortly after graduation. In this meeting, the Tower sisters share insights they wish someone would have shared with them their senior year of high school.

Macks Creek School celebrated our senior softball players. Please click here to learn more about these hard working Lady Pirates.

Macks Creek sent off Junior Kamora Merchant today. Kamora is She is going to be wrestling in Bahrain with the International School Sports Federations 17U National Wrestling Team. Good luck, Kamora!

This year's PTO carnival was a huge success. Please click here to be redirected to a news story about this age-old Macks Creek tradition. Thank you to everyone who helped this year!

7th-12th graders had a TERRIFYINGLY good time at the Monster Mash dance after Carnival.

Thanks to Oakstar Bank for once again volunteering to staff the kitchen during this year's carnival. Mr. Michael Parrack and Brittany Nations joined in as well. This hard working crew stayed busy all night! Oakstar has staffed our carnival kitchen for the last several years and we are grateful!

The meeting was adjourned at 7:29 PM and the board entered into closed session.
The board voted to hire Mrs. Lynne Martineau to serve as a special education teacher and voted to hire Mr. Kevin Lemmer to serve as a substitute custodian. Mrs. Martineau has served as a special education teacher for the past 13 years. She spent the majority of her education career serving as a special education teacher in Lake County, Florida before moving to Missouri to be closer to family. We are excited to have you teaching our students Mrs. Martineau! Mr. Lemmer has prior experience as a school custodian and is excited to serve Macks Creek students.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
September 26, 2024
The Regular August meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Liz Stoner and members Ray Husong and Cody Stoner were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and was led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance by FFA Chapter Officers Kassidy Campbell and Wyatt Brooks. In addition to visiting with Kassidy and Wyatt, the board was excited to visit with our new Vocational-Agriculture teacher, Miss Hanna Norman who also attended the meeting. Kassidy and Wyatt shared the following:
Two Successful Fundraisers:
Made roughly $1,600 in profit from a recent plant/tree sale with an initial investment of $300.
This money will be used to help fund some FFA Trips/Chapter Events
We still have several plants left over (including a lot of red maples).
We have a few different plans for these remaining plants.
Plant some trees around the Macks Creek park and the school.
Plant some of the shrubs around the outdoor classroom.
Additional sales
Results from the Seitz fundraiser are not yet totaled, but had high participation.
A Busy Activity Calendar:
Our Chapter “back to school bash” was Aug 29th. We had snacks, played some games and discussed the plans for future meetings. This was an opportunity for new members to interact with older members of the chapter.
On September 11th we took 5 students to the Area Leadership Conference in California, MO. Here students learned about valuable leadership, teamwork, and career skills.
Our September Chapter Meeting was held on the 24th. At this meeting students worked to create fall wreaths that were donated to local nursing homes and churches.
Our October chapter meeting will be October 2nd. At this meeting we will host Gentrie Davis, a state FFA officer, for a workshop with our members. We also plan to carve pumpkins and donate them to local nursing homes.
We will be attending the Invitational Career Development Event at Northwest Missouri State University on October 3rd. This event will give students the opportunity to experience the competition aspect of FFA and learn more about specific agriculture sectors. This will help us prepare and will also help prepare students for contest season.
FFA National Convention - Includes an Augmented Schedule from Past Years
16 Students who will participate in workshops, general sessions, and industry tours, career expo and community service opportunities.
Tour Fair Oaks Dairy Cattle & Swine as well as Tuttle Orchards Vegetables & Produce
Community service opportunities where students will serve in the National Days of Service.
We will be helping a local Indiana neighborhood center called Fay Biccard Glick which promotes civic, social, and personal responsibility in the Crooked Creek service area by providing quality services that enhance the lives of individuals and families.
Volunteers will do a variety of tasks for a large community center Playground Expansion in which there will be professionals onsite to lead on the listed projects. The FFA Members will assist in the following areas:
1. Lay down in the landscaped path, raking and stomping it down with a stomper.
2. Create a bike walking path throughout the playground for children and adults.
3. Playground equipment “build up and out”. This involves putting some of the rides together within the playground.
Other Upcoming FFA Activities
We will be starting our Ag Ed on the Move curriculum shortly with our 3rd graders. Our members will go teach these students about agriculture each week.
Area Barnwarming will be held November 1st at Climax Springs.
Chapter Barnwarning will be held sometime in November.
November 6th we will have students competing in Fall
Speeches at the area level.
There was no public comment. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, August minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $244,623.76. The October Regular Board meeting is set for 29th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
DESE has shared again that families with children who qualified for free & reduced lunch last school year should begin to receive Missouri "SuN Bucks" EBT cards in their mailboxes at any time. The program was designed to offset the cost of feeding children over the summer when school was not in session. Families will receive a $120 EBT card per eligible child to purchase food. Our district worked in concert with the Department of Social Services over the summer to ensure eligible families receive this benefit.
Cash Flow Report
We have completed spending all of our ESSER III funds which became available to us in 2021. In total the district was awarded $817,357 that funded projects ranging from air conditioning the gym, refurbishing our geothermal system, upgrading our elementary HVAC systems and hiring additional counseling staff, hiring a full-time ISS teacher, hiring additional staff, purchasing cleaning supplies to thwart the spread of respiratory viruses, purchasing curriculum and supplies to promote social-emotional learning and the well-being of our students and employees.
Dr. Phillips shared Summer Food Service Program Data. Our staff served an average of 210 students seven breakfasts and seven lunches every Wednesday throughout the summer. In total 43,008 meals were served! Survey comments collected from participants reveals 95.6% of participants rated favorably of the process, program experience, communication and food quality.
Every Tuesday we celebrate one of our amazing district teachers through #TeacherProud Tuesday. We have many incredible teachers and are excited to share about them!
Annual Board Member Training - Veteran board members are participating in required annual professional development.
Mr. Cody Stoner and Dr. Phillips will attend the Fall MARE Conference at Lodge of the Four Seasons in October.
Annual Fall Carnival - Saturday, October 19th from 4 PM - 7 PM.
Royalty candidates 1st grade through 12
Games, food, silent auction, cake walk, bingo, live music, haunted house and more!
Macks Creek Teachers participated in our conference’s annual professional development day on Friday. Here is a summary of the event: Macks Creek teachers joined teachers from other PCL schools for a conference-wide PD event. In addition to a hearing from a high caliber keynote speaker, our teachers are collaborated with other grade level/content teachers and selected from various break out sessions. The keynote, Devin Siebold spoke on topics including implementing humor in the classroom to create more captivating lesson plans, using laughter to break down barriers, and create safe and encouraging havens for our students.
During Old Business, the board briefly discussed progress on our district's Continuous School Improvement Plan.
During New Business, the board reviewed and approved the Title I Program Review presented by Mrs. Katie Danek. Macks Creek School will receive $98,019.00 for Title 1 this school year. Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is a federal program that provides financial assistance to school districts to help children from low-income families receive a high-quality education. The program's goals include:
Helping children meet state academic standards
Closing the achievement gap between schools with high poverty and wealthier schools
Supporting teachers in hard-to-staff schools
Involving parents in their children's education
Next, the board approved the FFA’s trip to the National Convention in Indianapolis before discussing and approving various policy and regulation updates. The following were updated or added:
a. Policy 1210 n. Regulation 1210
b. Policy 2220 o. Regulation 2310
c. Policy 2340 p. Regulation 2340 –(Deleted)
d. Policy 3470 q. Regulation 2785
e. Policy 4130 r. Regulation 4221
f. Policy 4505 s. Regulation 4515
g. Policy 4506 (New) t. Regulation 4831 – (is now Form 4831)
h. Policy 4515 u. Regulation 6190
i. Policy 4560 v. Regulation 6191
j. Policy 4831
k. Policy 5550
l. Policy 6121
m. Policy 6191
To better understand each policy approved by the school board, please visit our searchable policy database: Please note the updated policies will not be available until approximately 24 hours after they are approved by the school board.
Next the board voted to update our Respiratory Illness Policy. The recommendations suggest anyone suffering from a respiratory illness return to normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, symptoms are improving overall, and if a fever was present, it has been gone without use of a fever-reducing medication.
The board approved a resolution to enter a financing agreement with MOHEFA for school bus purchases. The board also approved the purchase of two 71 Passenger 2025 School Buses in the amount of $284,538.
The board again revisited concepts relative to remodeling and expanding both our kitchen and cafeteria. As discussed in July, "our kitchen was constructed in 1970, is too small and outdated. Our cafeteria is undersized creating crowded lunch waves that start early and end late. Furthermore, storage for our kitchen is in the cramped space under the north side bleachers. The conceptual design enlarges our existing cafeteria, constructs a new kitchen, storage and receiving area." In August the board considered options to fund the cafeteria project and discussed scaling the square footage back as well as making the loading dock on the exterior (with a covered awning) to reduce cost. Dr. Phillips shared that even these changes put the project over budget. He shared floor plans to show a third possibility that involves remodeling an adjoining classroom to house the freezers, fridge and the kitchen. Because this idea does not involve new construction it will cost less.
Lastly, the principals shared their report. They began their presentation highlighting various activities since the last board meeting. To catch up please visit our Newsfeed at or our LiveFeed at Attendance in grades PK - 6 is at 99.68%. We currently have 188 students enrolled. There was only disciplinary office referral since the last board meeting. The high school average daily attendance is at 96.87% with 139 students enrolled in grades 7 - 12. Mr. Trusty also shared information about discipline referrals he has received to date. Referrals included cheating, classroom disruption, coming to class unprepared, disrespect, disruptive speech, tardiness, inappropriate speech, insubordination, and skipping class. While most offenses were limited to one or two instances, tardiness topped the list at 6 total instances.
Lastly, the Principals highlighted upcoming events:
26: SB @ Stoutland (5:00 p.m.); XC @ Plato
27: SB @ Dadeville (5:00 p.m.); BB @ Vienna Classic (in Iberia @ 3:30 p.m.)
28: XC @ Hermitage
30: SB v. Climax Springs (5:00 p.m.); MS BB v. Halfway (5:00 p.m.)
1: XC @ Warsaw; MS BB v. Richland (5:00 p.m.); SB v. Richland (5:00 p.m.)
4: SB @ Hermitage Tournament; MS BB @ Dadeville (5:00 p.m.)
5: SB @ Hermitage Tournament; XC @ Camdenton
7: MS BB v. Humansville (5:00 p.m.); SB v. Tuscumbia (5:00 p.m.)
8: MS BB @ Climax Springs (5:00 p.m.); SB v. Halfway (5:00 p.m.)
9: Fields of Faith @ MC Baseball/Softball Field
10: rootEd @ OTC - Lebanon; SB @ Humansville (5:00 p.m.); XC @ Buffalo
11: No School; SB @ Walnut Grove (5:00 p.m.); MS BB v. Fair Play (5:00 p.m.)
12 - 17: MS BB Tournament @ Weaubleau
15 - 19: SB Districts @ Hermitage
19: XC @ Humansville (PCL Meet)
21: XC @ Vienna
22/24: Parent/Teacher Conferences
22 - 25: FFA National Convention (Indianapolis)
28 - 31: Red Ribbon Week
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 and the board entered into closed session.
The board voted to hire Mrs. Lynne Martineau to serve as a paraprofessional in the special education department. Mrs. Martineau has over 30 years of experience in education, finance and social work. She spent the majority of her education career serving as a special education teacher in Lake County, Florida before moving to Missouri to be closer to family. We are excited to welcome you to our school family Mrs. Martineau!
The meeting was adjourned at 7:01.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the annual Tax Rate Hearing and the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
August 22, 2024
The Tax Rate Hearing was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Liz Stoner and members Ray Husong, Cody Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance. The board voted 7 - 0 in favor of reducing the tax levy, approving $3.4447 for the general fund (Fund I) and $0.4053 for the debt service fund (Fund III).
Below is discussion relative to setting the levy:
The State Auditor's Office approved a ceiling of $0.4319, but the board voted to reduce this amount by 2.66 cents setting the total levy at $3.85. This levy will ensure the district has adequate resources to fund the district through June 30, 2025.
The Fund III levy is needed to pay the 2021 school bonds (the district refinanced the 2014 bonds used to construct the K-2 Wing for a lower interest rate) which will be fully paid in 2034. By setting the Fund I levy at $3.4447 the district will stay eligible for the Smalls School Grant. In order to receive these funds, which equates $42,501 for 2025, the district must have attendance below 350 students and maintain a minimum Fund I levy of 3.43 per $100 of assessed valuation. The governor's budget for this school year promised to increase the amount available to schools with this minimum levy. If the legislature appropriates these funds next legislative session, the district could receive nearly double this amount. The district is grateful to our patrons for previously voting to maintain a minimum Fund I levy of $3.43 and voting for the school bond initiative utilized to construct the K-2 wing in 2014.
The Tax Rate Hearing was adjourned at 5:39 PM.
The Regular August meeting was called to order at 5:39 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Liz Stoner and members Ray Husong, Cody Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no public comment. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, July minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $244,623.76. The September Regular Board meeting is set for September 26th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
Families with children who qualified for free & reduced lunch last school year should begin to receive Missouri "SuN Bucks" EBT cards in their mailboxes shortly. The program was designed to offset the cost of feeding children over the summer when school was not in session. Families will receive a $120 EBT card per eligible child to purchase food. Our district worked in concert with the Department of Social Services over the summer to ensure eligible families recieve this benefit.
Cash Flow Report
ASBR - We have a healthy fund balance because of reimbursement for projects received through grants provided by the federal government relative to the pandemic. These funds are no longer available and our fund balance will be reduced during the course of this school year due cost increases from inflation as well as increased payroll expenditures. Additionally, in order to stay eligible for the baseline teacher grant, the district will be responsible for maintaining a minimum salary of $46,000 for every teacher who has Master's Degree and 10 years of teaching experience beginning next school year.
2023-2024 Audit - Next Week
Applied for Volkswagen Grant to receive approximately $40K toward a new “clean diesel” school bus
Gravely Mower “Trade-Up”
Get the Lead Out testing process is complete! Macks Creek School's drinking water has all tested safe!
Bus #23 - 2015 w/18K Repair Bill…recommend exploring other options before making such a repair.
Spending remaining ESSER III $ by Sept. 30 - all purchases must be relative to improving mental health of students and staff
Back-to-School workshops were successful
Sept. 2 - Labor Day
Sept. 20th PCL PD Day
Our new faculty are a great fit and have hit the ground running!
It has been a great start to the school year!
The board briefly discussed our district's Continuous School Improvement Plan. After an in-depth review last month, the board took no further action on the plan. Dr. Phillips highlighted aspects of the plan during an all faculty and staff in-service two weeks ago.
During New Business the board adopted the Special Education Model Compliance Plan made available by the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education for 2024-2025 school year.
Next, the board discussed considerations for Cafeteria/Kitchen Addition. As shared last month, Lastly, the board reviewed and approved a conceptual design for remodeling and adding on to our cafeteria and kitchen. As discussed last month, "our kitchen was constructed in 1970, is too small and outdated. Our cafeteria is undersized creating crowded lunch waves that start early and end late. Furthermore, storage for our kitchen is in the cramped space under the north side bleachers. The conceptual design enlarges our existing cafeteria, constructs a new kitchen, storage and receiving area." The board considered options to fund the cafeteria project and discussed scaling the square footage back as well as making the loading dock on the exterior (with a covered awning) to reduce cost. Anyone interested in viewing the conceptual design may do so at our district office. The board will make a final decision whether or not to proceed with project at the September Board Meeting.
Lastly, the principals' shared their report. Below are slides from the presentation:

Mr. Dan Meers has served the Kansas City Chiefs as mascot KC Wolf for nearly 35 years. Macks Creek School was priviliged to kick off the new school year with a visit from KC Wolf. Mr. Meers shared an inspirational of message about working hard, persevering and showing kindness this school year. Thank you Mr. Meers and "Go Chiefs!"

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM. The board did not meet in closed session.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
July 18, 2024
The Regular July meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Liz Stoner and members Ray Husong and Cody Stoner were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no public comment. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, June minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $67,720.97. The Annual Tax Rate Hearing and August Regular Board meeting is set for August 22nd at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek. The Tax Rate Hearing will begin promptly at 5:30 followed by the Board meeting.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
Cash Flow Report
The board previously requested Dr. Phillips author a letter to each of the candidates for Sheriff expressing how much the district values having a deputized SRO on our campus while expressing concerns over the rising cost of this service. The district is interested in learning about cost-saving ideas and about grant funding opportunities. The board reviewed the letter which will be mailed to each candidate. Macks Creek R-V School is not endorsing any candidate for the office of Sheriff. The intent of this letter is to share concerns with each candidate so whomever is elected will understand our perspective relative to the safety and well-being of our students and employees when taking office.
Stiles Roofing will apply a coating to seal and protect our gymnasium, stage and walkway rooftops this fall. Here are the specific details:
Power wash and clean the entire 11,500 sq. ft. of metal roofing using a citrus cleaning agent
Clean out gutters on this roof area
Replace or tighten existing fasteners, and make metal roof repairs
Prime ridge cap, exposed fasteners, valleys, perimeters, and penetrations with RMIPrime
Apply RMIFlex liquid rubber to all the primed areas
Finally install a 2 coats of RMIThane at a rate of 1.5 gallons per 100 sq. ft. (RMIThane will be installed in 2 separate coats of ¾ gallons per 100 sq. ft.)
Includes a 10 year Manufacturers Material Warranty
$61,268 with an October Start
Truesdell Fence will replace 50' of 5' chain link fence of the left field side of the baseball field. Additionally, Truesdell will replace a 60' section of 8' chain link fence on the home team side of the backstop while making repairs to the top of the backstop and an area right behind home plate. The large sections of chain link have been severely damaged over the years when athletes hit baseballs directly into the fence for batting practice. Any athletes or teams using our facilities are asked to halt this practice as it has caused extensive damage to the chan link which can only be repaired by replacing entire sections. The practice creates asthetic and safefy isses. It causes the fence to pull away from the ground and poles creating gaps through which the baseball leaves the field during games. The entire cost of the project is $2,450.
The gym floor was recently refinished and is ready for the 2024-2025 school year. Any athletes utilizing the floor are asked to not wear street shoes on the surface. Patrons visiting our campus are also asked to stay on the perimeter and not to walk across the center of the gym floor with their street shoes.
Dr. Phillips highlighted various activities that occurred since the board last met. For more details about the information featured on the following slides, please visit the News Feed to read articles posted about each on our District's home page.

Lastly, Dr. Phillips shared photos of our event, elementary and high school entrances. The doors to enter our campus at each location were wearing out and had become difficult to maintain. Camdenton Glass recently completed the installation of each. Here are the photos:

During Old Business the board conducted an in-depth review of the district's Continous School Improvement Plan. The board reviewed data that has been collected relative to each goal and action step and determined the district is on-track to meet the established goals. The CSIP committee will be reformed this fall to perform a comprehensive review of the plan.
During New Business, the board was asked to increase our breakfast and lunch prices by a nickel and a dime, respectively. Dr. Phillips explained, because we are under the guidelines of the Free Reduced Lunch program and not the Community Eligibility program, under which everyone ate free, these slight yearly increases will be the new norm. These increases only apply to adults and those students who pay full price. Any families who think they may qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch are strongly encouraged to complete the paperwork to sign up for the program this fall. The percentage of families who qualify directly impacts the amount of funding our district receives each year. Additionally, increased participation in the program increases the likelihood the district will be eligible for various grant programs which also increases funding. The identity of participants is confidential and no distinction is made when students pass through the lunch line regardless of a student's status as free, reduced or full pay. The lunch prices for next school year are as follows:
Elementary and MS/Breakfast - $1.20 (.05 cent increase)
Elementary Lunch - $1.85 (.10 cent increase)
MS/HS Lunch - $2.10 (.10 cent increase)
Adult Breakfast $2.35 (.05 cent increase)
Adult Lunch $3.35 (.10 cent increase)
Next the board approved the bus routes for the 2024-2025 school year. The district will begin the school year running the routes the same as last year. Please contact Dr. Phillips or Mr. Trusty with questions about your child's bus route.
Lastly, the board reviewed and approved a conceptual design for remodeling and adding on to our cafeteria and kitchen. As discussed last month, our kitchen was constructed in 1970, is too small and outdated. Our cafeteria is undersized creating many crowded lunch waves that start early and end late. Furthermore, storage for our kitchen is in the cramped space under the north side bleachers. The conceptual design enlarges our existing cafeteria, constructs a new kitchen, storage and receiving area. The board will consider options ot fund the project at the August school board meeting. Anyone interested in viewing the prelimnary conceptual design may do so at our district office.
The board entered into closed session 6:35.
The board voted to hire Mrs. Hailee Hargus to serve as our High School Science teacher next year. Mrs. Hargus has a degree in Plant Science from MSU. She returned to school to pursue a Masters in Education in Biology and will graduate in December. Mrs. Hargus has experience as a Precision Agronomy Specialist, a substitute teacher and as a staff member of a before and after school care program. She is excited to have her own classroom and share love of science with her students. We are fortunate to have someone of her caliber, who has practically utilized science on a daily basis to support farmers, working with our students! Welcome Mrs. Hargus!
The meeting was adjourned at 6:40.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
June 25, 2024
The Regular June meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Treasurer Liz Stoner and members Ray Husong, Cody Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no public comment. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, May minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $508,498,82. As June is the last month of FY24 fiscal year, this month's bills included the payrolls for the months of July and August as well as the payments for unused sick leaved and Career Ladder. The June Regular Board meeting is set for July 18th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
Cash Flow Report
New Doors for our event, high school and elementary entrances. Doors and frames are being installed by Camdenton Glass.
Summer Cleaning is going well! Our hard working custodial/maintenance staff are busy but keeping up with the workload.
Dr. Phillips is exploring options to improve our kitchen, cafeteria and little gym. Our kitchen was constructed in 1970, is too small and outdated. Our cafeteria is undersized creating many crowded lunch waves that start early and end late. Furthermore, storage for our kitchen is under the north side bleachers. In addition to creating more storage space Dr. Phillips is exploring options to replace the seating on the north side of the main gym with more modern bleacher-style seating to increase seating capacity, improve safety and provide more handi-cap accessibility. Our little gym which was constructed in 1936 is in need of remodeling to accomodate the multitude of activites that occur within the space including wrestling, cheer practice, Biddyball practice, Softball and Baseball practice, elementary PE and indoor recess (during inclimate weather).
Get the Lead Out - Dr. Phillips shared 7 faucets remain to be retested after mitigation strategies were implemented. For background information on our efforts to ensure no lead exists in drinking water please read the following article:
The district sustained minimal damage during a recent storm that damaged homes and knocked over trees throught our school community. While a an electric leg was down overnight following the event, all our equipment appears to be functioning properly. The district will replace the roof on the softball concession stand at Hwy 54 and Hwy 73.
During Old Business the board reviewed the district's Continous School Improvement Plan and determined to not to make any amendments.
The board also revisted an MOU between the district and the Camden County Sheriff's Department to provide a school resource officer for the 24-25 school year. Approving this MOU was tabled in May after the board directed Dr. Phillips to gather more information about available alternative options to have an SRO present on our campus. Dr. Phillips compared the cost of employing our own SRO as oppossed to partnering with the Sheriff's Department. The Sheriff's office states the cost to an employee a single deputy is $85,071.68 per year. The cost charged to our district is 50% of the annual salary and expenses of our SRO or $48,899.76. Dr. Phillips determined a fully district employed SRO could cost between $53,823.75 - $56,623.75 depending upon the equipment and training needed each year. The board determined partnering with the Sheriff's Department to employ a Deputy as our SRO as oppossed to hiring own law enformcement officer is the best way to ensure or students are safe here at school. Our Deputy SRO is able to participate in training provided by the Sheriff's Department and the Sheriff ensures we have a substitute SRO present whenever our SRO is unable to be at school or an event for whatever reason.
After discussion, the board voted to approve the MOU with the Sheriff's Departement for an SRO for next school year. Dr. Phillips shared there are various law enforcement grants to offset the cost of SRO's available to the Sheriff's Department for which only law enforcement entitites can apply. The School Board hopes the Sheriff's Department will be actively involved in applying for these funds to support the safety of Macks Creek students as well as all students within Camden County.
After being challenged by a group of students to consider a Vape/Smoke Free Campus policy last month, the board reviewed survey data collected about the proposed policy. To see the results of the survey please use the following link: In short, 67% of the 67 respondents either agreed or stongly agreed our campus should be vape and tobacco free. The board reviewed the results of each survey question as well as the 16 responses that were left. The board greatly appreciates all those who took the survey. Based upon data collected a version of the policy presented with fewer warnings for patrons who are in violation of the policy was adopted. The policy does not pertain to the actions of adults who choose to vape or smoke within their personal vehicles while on campus. Furthermore, the policy has an emphasis on cessation of vaping and smoking and will not pertain to use of smokeless tobacco so long as it is not overtly obvious to students that it is being used by an adult on campus. The district will update the staff handbook, district policy manual and post no vaping/smoking signs on exterior doors and other areas around campus.
During New Business, the board amended the FY24 budget to actual figures, approved the FY25 budget, approved the FY25 salary schedule/participation in the DESE's Baseline Teacher Salary Grant and approved the district's FY25 Career Ladder Plan. The board also approved a dual-credit policy that will be published in the high school student handbook next year. The policy set minimum standards for students to participate in the dual-credit program. The board also approved an agreement with the Exceptional Pupil Cooperative in Bolivar for the coming school year. Lastly, the board heard the principals' report.
The board adjourned and went directly into closed session at 7:24.
The board accepted the resignation of Mr. Justin Allen as well as the resignation of Mr. Nathan Houk. The board voted to hire Mr. Patrick Wolf to serve as head softball coach and to hire Mr. Kodey Weaver to serve as head girls basketball coach and In-School Suspension teacher. The district will share more information about Mr. Wolf and Mr. Weaver shortly.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
May 16, 2024
The Regular May meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Liz Stoner and members Ray Husong, Cody Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no public comment. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, April minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $319,839.65. The June Regular Board meeting is set for Tuesday, June 25th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
Cash Flow Report
Legislative Update & impacts upon Macks Creek students
Budget Priorities for the 24-25 school year
Nurse Rachel Stubblefield presented information to the board regarding a student-lead initiative to make our school district tobacco free. Macks Creek School is one of only a handful in our area allowing adults to smoke or utilize smokeless tobacco on campus. Our students created a Tik-Tok to share about the dangers of tobacco use and emphasized, because it is regularly modeled for them, they know how to use these products. Data reveals many students begin using tobacco when they are very young and the addiction often lasts a lifetime. The board tasked Dr. Phillips with gathering survey information about the opinions of parents/guardians in regards to becoming a tobacco-free campus.
During Old Business the board reviewed the district's Continous School Improvement Plan and determined to not to make any amendments.
Under new business the board voted to accept the bids from Prairie Farms for milk, Woods for bread, Thompson Propane for propane, Frisco Fuel for diesel and Stoufer’s Tire and Motor for school bus maintenance needs per the bids that were presented for the 24-25 school year. Each year Macks Creek School accepts bids for various goods and services for the coming school year. Trash service is bid on a three-year cycle and will be bid again in May of 2025.
Also, during Old Business the board approved changes to Policy 5550 & Policy 6180. Policy 5550 is relative to meal charges within our food service program. Policy 6180 is relative to ELL students and the elimination of a provision to require parent applications for student partipation in the program. All Macks Creek R-V School District policies and regulations are available on our website and may be viewed at any time. Click here for a shortcut.
The board reviewed an MOU between the district and the Camden County Sheriff's Department to provide a school resource officer for the 24-25 school year. The board had questions about the MOU. Dr. Phillips will gather more information and report back to the board in June and the board voted to table the accepting the MOU.
Lastly, the board heard the principals' report given by Dr. Jori Phillips and Mr. Jason Trusty. Below are slides from their report:

The meeting was adjourned and the board entered into closed session at 7:15 PM.
The board accepted the resignation of Ms. Leah Rich. Ms. Rich has served our district as an employee since 2010. Before that she served as a school board member. She began her employment with the district as a para-professional during which time she earned her degree in Special Education. She began her teaching career in 2014. In addition to teaching Special Education she also managed student files, lead countless IEP meetings and was responsible for many successful reviews of our program by the Department of Education. Ms. Rich served as an assistant girls basketball coach for the last several years. She was in charge of the Biddy Ball Program and coached 5th & 6th Grade Basketball. Macks Creek School is grateful to Leah for her hard work and tireless service to our students both in the classroom and on the court. Thank you Ms. Rich!
The board voted to hire Mr. Mike Phillips to serve as high school PE teacher, head boys' basketball coach and athletic director. Mr. Phillips is a graduate of Missouri State University. He is a veteran PE Teacher who has experience as a head coach in various sports and as an athletic director. Most of his career has been spent coaching basketball. He is passionate about the sport and after taking a break from it is excited to return. Welcome to the Pirate family Mr. Phillips! Please note Coach Phillips is not related to Drs. Josh and Jori Phillips.
The board also voted to hire Ms. Michelle Newswanger to teach 5/6 grade communication arts. Ms. Newswanger is a graduate of Missouri State University and has served as a long-term subsitute within the Springfield Public School District the past year. She described herself as a "passionate teacher who is eager to stimulate young minds while developing students' love for learning". She further emphasized she always strives to continue to learn and grow herself. We are glad you are joining our Pirate family Ms. Newswanger!
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
April 22, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Ray Husong, Byron Willis and Liz Stoner were in attendance. The board certified the results of the April 2, 2024 election and adjourned.
Outgoing Board Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer led our newest board member, Mr. Cody Stoner in the oath of office. Please click here to learn more about Mr. Stoner. Macks Creek School wishes to thank Mr. Wehmeyer for his 9 years of service to our school board! He has provided valuable leadership and insight serving as our school board treasurer. He has helped the district to stay financially sound while increasing salary and benefits for Macks Creek employees regularly. Mr. Wehmeyer joined the board during the construction of our K-2 wing and has been a part of many exciting changes inspiring our entire school community to strive for excellence. Thank you Mr. Wehmeyer for your faithful service to our children these past nine years!
Dr. Phillips called the new board to order. The board selected Sara Stoufer to continue to serve as President, Scott Gould to continue to serve as Vice President, Stacy Trusty to continue to serve as Secretary and Liz Stoner to serve as Treasurer. Thank you Sara, Scott, Stacy and Liz for your willingness to serve in each of these capacities!
The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, March minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $309,967.72. The May Regular Board meeting is set for the 16th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
The board heard the superintendent's report as shared by Dr. Phillips included the following:
Annual School Bus Inspection Went Well - thank you to the team at Stoufer's Tire and Auto who do such a great job of maintaining our fleet and keeping our students safe. All buses passed inspection and our fleet is in great shape.
FYI - The Community Park Board is looking for volunteers to sign up to cut the grass at the park throughout the summer. Anyone interested in lending a hand should check out the Macks Creek Community Park on Facebook to learn more.
The district will replace all of the flooring in the preschool this summer.
Bids for Services - May is when we select bidders for propane, milk, bread, diesel fuel, and more.
Safety Grant Update -
Amended grant to encompass upgrades to HS, Elementary and Event entrances before funding deadline expired.
Will still upgrade cameras and door controls this summer and next school year.
Dr. Phillips discussed the district roof maintenance plan. With the exception of the HS Gym and the Vo-Ag building all roofs have been completely reroofed over the past 9 years. He recommended appying a sprayable adhesive membrane to the both the HS Gym and Vo-Ag building within the next year. The cost for each building is estimated to be $64,000 and would include a warranty.
Dr. Phillips discussed the Get the Lead out Initiative. To learn more please click here.
Lastly, Dr. Phillips discussed the utilization of remaining ESSER III funds before they expire in September.
During Old Business the board reviewed the CSIP Plan and discussed MSIP 6. The Board also reviewed P0330, P6440, P2310, and R2310. All Macks Creek R-V School District policies and regulations are available on our website and may be viewed at any time. Click here for a shortcut.
Next, during New Business the board approved a summer food program. This program is sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture. Macks Creek School will partner with Encounter Cove to administer the program. Through the program, anyone ages birth through age 18 is eligible to participate. One time per week staff from our school will be on-hand to distribute a gallon of milk along with 7 lunch and 7 breakfast meals. The only requirement to participate is to sign up ahead of time and pick up the meals with the child or children who will be eating them each week. No paperwork is required and children do not need to be members of the Macks Creek R-V School district. To sign up for the program, please contact Mrs. Lynn Bowman here at school at 573-363-5909, Option 1. We ask if you do sign up, you honor the commitment to pick up the food once each week. The program will run May 19 - August 22.
Next, the board heard the principals' report from Dr. Phillips and Mr. Trusty.
The princicpals highlighted the following:
State FBLA Competition
Macks Creek earned the distinguished Gold Chapter Award for efforts to improve our chapter through growth and service to others.
Senior Caleb Phillips placed 10th overall in the State of Missouri in the Business Law Competition. Great job Caleb!
Students attended various leadership development workshops and networked with othe FBLA chapters.
Our students also volunteered to help a local charity.

National Life Smarts Competition
Macks Creek students traveled to San Diego to partipate in the "quiz bowl" style event.
During their stay they checked out the beach, kayaked in in the bay and visited the San Diego Zoo.

Spring Sports
HS Track & Field
HS Baseball
MS Track & Field
Elementary Attendance
Elementary – PK - 6
Enrollment – 194 (up 2)
March Attendance - 98.1% (up .1%)
Yearly Attendance - 97.2% (same)
Middle School/High School- Grades 7-12
Enrollment – 152 (up 1)
March Attendance - 93.04%
April Attendance - 93.17%
Yearly Attendance - 94.04% (Down .15%)
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Earl Literacy Skills Data
“Let’s Talk About That” Work Group Results
5 SPED Testing Referrals -
Two Qualified
One working at Capacity (Tiered Monitoring/Supports to be discussed this Thursday)
Two waiting until Fall
Academic Integrity - Looking into hiring Step Up to fine tune curriculum
Strengthening Tier 1 Supports (whole class instruction)
Meet with ED Consultant Thursday, April 25th (95 Percent Group)
Meet with EPCO Director (SPED Planning)
& much more!
New Schedule for MS/HS Next School Year
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday will have 55 minute class periods.
Wednesday will have a modified schedule with shortened class times
Hours 1, 2, 5, 6 will be 44 minutes
Hours 3, 7 will be 43 minutes
Hour 4 will be just over 50 minutes in length
RTI at the start (30 mins) and end (34 mins) of day
MS RTI hours built into the schedule during Hours 1, 2, 3.
Lastly, the principals shared the list of events coming up for the remainder of the Spring.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 PM and the board entered into closed session.
The board voted to accept the resignation of Mr. Jeff Treat. Coach Treat has served as HS PE Teacher, Athletic Director and Head Boys Basketball Coach for the past two years. Coach Treat will be taking a position in Southwest Missouri closer to his hometown in Northwest Arkansas. Jeff has been an outstanding member of the Macks Creek School Team and he will be missed! We wish you the best in your future endevours Coach!
The board accepted the resignation of Mrs. Stephanie Hubbard. Mrs. Hubbard served this past school year as our elementary special education teacher. Mrs. Hubbard has past experience as a superintendent of schools. She is leaving Macks Creek to serve as the Superintendent of a district in northern Missouri. In the brief time she was with us, Mrs. Hubbard made many positive connections with our students and their families. Congratulations on your new position and best wishes Mrs. Hubbard! We will miss you!
The board voted to rehire all classified employees for next year and afforded all classified employees a 5% raise for the 2024-2025 school year.
The board voted to hire Ms. Brooke Grogan to teach Middle School Math next year. Brooke is a third year teacher who strives to change students' views of math. Her goal of teaching fluency in Math increases critical thinking skills in all areas, not just math. Brooke moved to the Ozarks with her son Luke from the bootheel of Missouri. They love the country and the lake. Brooke and her son both enjoy hiking trails in the area and playing disc golf. Brooke is ecstatic to join the Pirate family!
The board voted to hire Mr. Nathan Houk, who will serve as the new Varsity Girls Basketball coach at Macks Creek High School for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Coach Houk has coached at the high school level for nearly 30 years. He looks forward to working with the youth in the Macks Creek School District to help improve their skill level. He has been married to his wife Leslie for 20 years. They enjoy working on their farm and spending time with their dogs in their spare time. When Coach Houk isn’t coaching basketball, he also enjoys spending time outdoors hunting, fishing, and playing golf. Welcome to Macks Creek School Mr. Houk!
The board voted to hire Mr. Zion Vasquez to serve as our Head High School Wrestling Coach. Coach Vasquez will be starting his first year as a head coach, but brings experience as a volunteer coach and as an assistant coach. He started wrestling as a six year old and competed through college. He not only wants to share his love and knowledge of the sport with students, but also wants to help students see and understand the life lessons that wrestling has to offer. Coach Vasquez works in the Financial Services Department for Missouri Department of Transportation. He enjoys spending time out on the water with his family and friends and likes to spend time hiking with his dog, Alfie. Coach Vasquez is excited about the opportunity to give back to the sport that has given him so much! Welcome to the team Coach Vasquez!
At last month’s board meeting the board voted to hire Fisher Snelling and Katelin Brisbin.
Fisher is currently pursuing a degree from Central Methodist University in Middle School Social Studies and will also serve as Head Baseball Coach next year. This will be Fisher’s first year as a Missouri public school teacher and has a mission “to teach students the value of the past, in order to help students make informed decisions about our future.” Fisher’s passions include playing and watching baseball, spending time in the gym, and watching various movies as well as attending church activities. Welcome to the team Mr. Snelling!
Ms. Katelin Brisbin will serve as one of our Third Grade Elementary Teachers. She is currently pursuing a degree from Central Methodist University in Elementary Education. She will be starting her first year as a Missouri public school teacher and has a mission : To provide an environment where all students can achieve success to their fullest potential”. Ms. Brisbin enjoys spending time with her friends and family, watching movies, going on walks, and attending church activities. Ms. Brisbin is ecstatic to become a Macks Creek Pirates and is ready for the year ahead!
The board is excited to announce that Mrs. Becky Salter will be making the transition from preschool teacher to elementary PE and high school/middle school health instruction. In turn, Mrs. Kim Kaibel, our Parents As Teachers (PAT) Parent Educator and 3rd Grade teacher will continue as our parent educator and assume the responsibilities of preschool teacher. We are excited for both of these teachers to assume a new role next year.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
March 25, 2024
The Regular March meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Ray Husong, Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no public comment. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, February minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $358,816.13. The April Regular Board meeting is set for Monday April 22nd at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
Annual School Bus Inspection - Tuesday April 9th
Purchased a Gator from State Surplus
Vo-Ag students unloaded and transported Park equipment to to the Macks Creek City Park
Upcoming Easter Egg Hunt - Help Needed!
Maintenance and Grounds Update
Get the Lead Out Initiative - the district completed all testing a few weeks ago and is waiting for results to determine next steps. As many other districts have notified patrons if the results are greater than 5 parts per billion at a water source, so to will our district. Our full plan is availalbe for review by clicking here.
District completed a grant and was awarded nearly $7,000 to offset the cost of an SUV used to transport homeless children and youth to and from extra-curricular events and to receive necessary services such as medical or dental.
During Old Business the board reviewed the district's Continous School Improvement Plan. The board also reveiwed policies and regulations relative to student transportation services and student bus conduct (P5620, R5620 and P2652). All Macks Creek R-V School District policies and regulations are available on our website and may be viewed at any time. Click here for a shortcut.
During New Business the board approved the salary schedule for the 2024-2025 school year. The district participates in the state's minimum salary grant, a voluntary program in which the state provides the difference between the district's base salary and $38,000. This year the district is budgeted to receive $70,650.00 through this program. In year's past whenever the district made adjustments to the salary schedule it was done by adding to base and increasing the amount paid for each year of service and/or for hours completed toward a graduate degree such as Masters or Specialist. Because of the way the state funds the minimum salary grant, it costs the district money to increase the base salary. It is for this reason the district has created various state and local columns within the salary schedule to illustrate the source of funding. Additionally, the state's foundation formula and the transportation formula have both been fully funded the past two years. For this reason, the district has been able to add more to the local columns of the salary schedule and increase all teachers salariers. If for some reason the state does not fully fund the formula or reduces funding for transporation these parts of the salary schedule may not be able to be maintained beyon the 24-25 school year. One last note on the revised salary schedule, our district has worked to stay competive with other similarly sized school districts. This schedule includes incentives for our veteran educators to remain in the district and to obtain graduate level degrees. Please click here to view the full boad-approved 24-25 salary schedule.
Next the board heard the principals' report given by Dr. Jori Phillips and Mr. Jason Trusty.
Below are slides from the principals' report.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 PM.
The board voted to accept the resignations of Mr. Kris Paschel and Mr. Ron Duggan. Mr. Paschel has served the district for the past three years as our high school math teacher and coach. Mr. Paschel is passionate about wrestling and was instrumental in starting a wrestling program here at Macks Creek School taking two athletes to state including one top 4 finish in our inaugural year. We are also grateful to Mr. Paschel for his service to our country as he continues to be active in the National Guard. We will miss you Mr. Paschel and wish you the best in your future endeavours.
Coach Duggan has served the district as our boys and girls head basketball coach for the past 5 years beginning with the boys' program in the 18-19. He also began coaching the girls in 19-20. He passed the boy's torch to Coach Treat two years ago and has since focused upon the girls' team. While the boys's team grew under his leadership, he is most proud of the progress of the girls. During the 21-22 season, the gals just missed a district title and finished with 23-3 record. Last year the ladies not only earned a district championship tite, they advance all the way to the quarter-final round in the post season. The gals finished the season with a 24-6 record. Coach determined the vision for the season was "Unfinished Business" as the team was on a quest to capture a district championship, a feat that was last mastered in 2008. This year the Lady Pirates resumed the theme of unfinished business with the business focus upon getting to the final four. This past season Coach directed the Lady Pirates to earn a back-to-back district championship title finishing with a 24-4 record. In addition to being a great coach, Mr. Duggan has supported our students both on and off the court in a variety of ways. We will miss you Coach Duggan! Thank you for your service to our students and school community!
The board hired Fisher Snelling to serve as our Middle School Social Studies Teacher next year. The board hired Katelyn Brisbin to serve as 3rd grade teacher next year. We look foward to sharing more about Mr. Snelling and Miss Brisbin shortly. Welcome to our district Katelyn and Fisher!
The board voted to rehire all of our teachers for the 2024-2025 school year.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Monday, February 12, 2024
The Regular February meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Ray Husong, Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no public comment and the board welcomed Business teacher, Ms. Kristy Eidson. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, January minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $284,957.46. The March Regular Board meeting is set for Thursday the 25th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
-Discussed the ramifications of open enrollment legislation being considered this session upon all public schools especially, small rural schools like Macks Creek.
-Discussed projected costs of construction projects the board may wish to consider in the future. Projects included a competition gymnasium with locker rooms that could double as tornado shelters, completion of Phase II of the district's 25-year facilities plan (creating an indoor commons area in between the high school and elementary school) as well as remodeling/adding on to the kitchen/cafeteria while replacing current bleachers with more modern seating to accomodate more fans. Depending upon the project, costs varied from $2,000,000 to $7,000,000. The board also discussed remodeling the old gym to better faciliate basketball, wrestling and cheerleading practices.
-Discussed the financial impact of a cooperative for summer-school between Macks Creek and Camdenton. Unfortunately, because of the nature of school funding, such an agreement would have a significant negative impact upon district finances. The board believes the current arrangement we have with Hickory County R-1, which has no negative financial impact upon the district, to provide summer school for our students is working well.
Below are slides relative to remainder of the board's business:

The board voted to adopt Calendar Option B. To review this option please click here.

The board approved the FBLA LifeSmarts Trip.

For the 2024-2025 School Year, the board approved the medical, vision, dental rates as presented. The board voted to maintain the board-paid medical insurance cap at $500 per month per employee. The board will also continue to fund a $50,000 life insurance/ADD policy and long-term disability for every employee.

HS/MS Incentive Trip: Ice Staking at Old Kinderhook

The Lady Pirates took 3rd Place at the Osceola Tournament.

The board entered into closed session at 7:16 PM.
The board voted to extend the contracts of both our principals through June 30, 2026. The Board is grateful to our Elementary Principal, Dr. Jori Phillips and MS/HS Principal, Mr. Jason Trusty for their hard work, enthusiasm, expertise and service to our students! Dr. Phillips has served as principal for eleven years. Mr. Trusty has served as principal for three years.
The board voted to hire Miss Hanna Norman to serve as our Vocational-Agriculture Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. Miss Norman will graduate the University of Missouri with a degree in Agriculture Education this spring. While earning her degree she has stayed busy with several agricultural internships and jobs within the field of agriculture including a machine operator, electrical assistant and farm hand. She is currently student-teaching at the Waynsesville Career Center, teaching courses in agriculture construction, greenhouse/floral design, Vet Science, Conservation and Agriculture Science 1. She is proficient in SMAW (Arc) Welding and GMAW (MIG) Welding. As a High School student she earned her American FFA degree and Missouri State FFA degree. Hanna shared her throrough background in the field of agriculture and education will serve her well as an educator. Miss Norman is excited to begin teaching this fall! Macks Creek School looks foward to sharing more about Miss Norman in the months ahead - welcome to the Macks Creek School family Miss Norman!
The board adjourned at 7:58 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Thursday, January 18, 2024
The Regular January meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Ray Husong, Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board approved the agenda and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no public comment and the board welcomed Nurse Rachel Stubblefield, Adam Gorey and Marvin Jones. The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, December minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $358,816.13. The February Regular Board meeting is set for Thursday the 18th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Phillips shared the following:
When Temps are Well Below Zero…
Audit Documents
Calendar for SY 24-25 - Working on hybrid versions
Employee Benefit News
No Premium Increase!
$500 across all plans decrease in deductible
No co-pay for children’s visit to their PCP
“Survey Says…!” We will put out surveys similar to those administered last year to gauge effectiveness of practices and inform decision making.
“10:4 Good Buddy” - We are enjoying wireless radio upgrades including a 10 new walkie-talkies and a brand new repeater. These communication tools are used to speak with our buses and here on campus. Through the use of a local repeater the handheld radios can also communicate directly with our buses.
CSIP Committee “Reunion”
Safety Committee Reboot
Weigh in on door bids and security camera upgrades
Revisit various emergency plans
Inform practices
Election News
Candidates Byron Willis, Jim Wehmeyer, Marvin Jones and Cody Stoner are running for two 3-year seats.
CTA may host a candidate Q & A forum
Recent Bus Repairs - New company fixed issues that have plagued us for years! These issues stemmed from difficulties that could only be serviced at the International Dealership in Nixa and not normal service performed here in Macks Creek.
Super Cat Fest 4 Kids funds distribution:
$1,445.30 (will make lunch free for 27 students)
$6,900 (69 students who are full pay will have $100)
$1,654 applied at EOY or as needed
Bank Reconciliation is going well - we are a 100% match
Annual CDL Drivers Background Queries are complete and everyone is clear to continue driving.
Civil Rights Data Collection of all demographic and discipline data we collected from SY2021-22 is complete, submitted and certified.
Quarterly Revenue, Expense and Disbursement Reports are posted and up-to-date for the public to review. To view these reports please click here.
Federal Auditing Publication Process is Complete and local publication of audit summary is in Buffalo Reflex
Macks Creek Lead In Drinking Water Sampling and Testing Plan is Posted for Public Review. To view our plan please click here.
Lead testing will be completed within the next month.
Playground Equipment for Community Park is here!
Iberia Basketball Game Considerations - We invited them to arrive and start playing at 4:30.
State Supervisor Report on CSIP - Well done!
Old Business
The board routinely revisits our district's continuous improvement plan discussing progress toward goals. To view the full plan please click here. The board reviewed in-house assessments comparing beginning-of-the-year (BOY) data to middle-of-the-year (MOY). The board also routinely reviews policies to maintain familiarity. This month the board reviewed Policy 0310, 0320, and 0321. To view these policies or any others please visit our searchable policy database by clicking here.
New Business
Nurse’s Program Review - Nurse Rachel Stubblefield highlighted services she provides to our students. To date, students have visited her office 1,963 times. Of those visits, 1,882 students were able to return to class after she met their need. The remaining 81 students were sent home. She discussed statistics relative to vision, hearing and dental screenings sharing the numbers of students who were referred for to a doctor. She also reported upon the Wellness Comittee, student wellness incentives, staff wellness incentives, injuries, head lice screenings, emergency action plans, telehealth visits, immunizations and more. Our school nurse is fortunate to have a such a hard-working experienced registered nurse taking care of our students. Thank you Nurse Rachel!
APR Review - The board reviewed the Annual Progress Report recently for the 2022-2023 school year recently released by the Departement of Education. For more information please click here.
Adjust the SY 23-24 Calendar - The board approved switching February 9th from a staff in-service day to a regular session day. This decision was made in part to accomdate a student request to be in session for a full-week during homecoming and to offset a recent run six snow days.
Principals' Report - Dr. Jori Phillips and Mr. Trusty shared their report. The majoritity of their presentation was relative to comparing Beginning of the Year (BOY) data to Middle-of-the-year data (MOY). Macks Creek School employs a variety of benchmark testing tools as indicators of student learning at BOY. In turn, the same mechanisms are utilized at MOY to deterimine if individual students as well as groups of students are experieincing adequate growth to reach their end-of-year (EOY) benchmark targets. In between the BOY, MOY and EOY tests, students who are identified as behind in a given area are tested with smaller progress monitoring assessments to determine if changes in instruction based upon data are having an impact upon their learning. If the data reveals they are not, adjustments are made and progress monitoring continues. The principals also highlighted various student actitivities and accomplishments since the board last met. Please view the News Feed and Live Feed on our website to see all of the amazing things are students are doing!
The board entered into closed session at 7:55 PM. The board conducted an evaluation of the superintendent of schools and discussed his contract. The board extended Dr. Phillips' contract through June 30, 2027 before adjourning for the evening.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Monday, December 11, 2023
The Regular December meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Ray Husong, Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, November minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $364,349.33. The January Regular Board meeting is set for Thursday the 18th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
Dr. Phillips highlighted cash flow, as well as the finalized Annual Secretary of the Board Report. The district has a healthy fund balance of just over 56%. Dr. Phillips shared the Macks Creek Booster Club has generously donated an 80" television screen and protective cover to create a digital display to recognize every family and business who become Booster Club members or sponsors. In the past the club produced permanent signs to be attached to large boards in our gym. This technology will allow the Boosters to showcase businesses and individuals more efficiently while including more details about sponsors. The TV will be installed over Christmas break. Thank you Boosters for this donation and all of the amazing ways you support our outstanding students!
Old Business
The board revisited our district's continuous improvement plan discussing progress toward goals.
New Business
The board heard a presentation regarding our annual audit. Our audit is conducted every year by KPM CPA's in Springfield. The district received the highest rating possible attesting that our financial statements "present fairly, in all material aspects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities in each fund for the year ended June 30, 2023." After discussion and evaluation of the entire document the board approved the 2022-2023 audit. The complete audit is available for review in the district office at any time. Additionally, the district will publish a summary early next month.
The board heard the Principals' report given by Dr. Jori Phillips and Mr. Trusty. Below are slides from the their presenation. Many of the slides include information shared in much greater detail in the "News Articles" and "Live Feed Posts" available on our district website.

The December Board meeting was adjourned at 6:00.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Thursday, November 16, 2023
The Regular November meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
Next, the board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, November minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $302,404.25. The December Regular Board meeting is set for Monday the at 5:00 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
The Regular November meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The following guests were in attendance: Kassidy Campbell, Eva Willis, Ashlee Klinksick, Debbie Wommack, Tanner Glodt and Alex Jones.
Members of the Macks Creek FFA led the board in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Kassidy, Eva and Ashlee discussed the group's trip to the National Convention in Indianapolis earlier this month.
Next, the board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, October minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $302,404.25. The December Regular Board meeting is set for Monday the 11th at 5:00 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
The board heard the Superintendent's report as shared by Dr. Phillips which included:

Old Business
The board revisited our district's continuous improvement plan discussing progress toward goals and evaluating data. Below are the slides used to guide the discussion:

Next under Old Business the board reviewed three different school policies. First the board discussed the Code of Conduct for adults on our campus. The full policy and regulations are below:
P 1431 Code of Conduct - Adults
The Board of Education believes in and fosters a safe and orderly environment for all students, staff, and visitors.
Therefore, the Board of Education has established a code of conduct for parents, patrons, and visitors on school premises and at school activities. All parents, patrons, and visitors will be expected to conduct themselves in a manner reflective of a positive role model for children. Public displays contrary to this expectation as provided in Regulation 1431 will result in sanctions which will limit a person's access to school activities and school premises.
R 1431 Code of Conduct - Adults
In order to ensure a safe and orderly environment in which our students can maximize their educational and social development, the following regulations are enacted with respect to the conduct of adult visitors:
1. Verbally aggressive behavior, which would include, but not be limited to, threats, intimidation, and profanity, will result in limited access to school premises and school activities for up to one (1) year. The length of the restriction will be determined by the Superintendent of Schools.
2. Physical or violent behavior will result in a ban by the Board of Education from school premises and activities and will be referred to law enforcement.
3. Failure to comply with the restricted access provided in these regulations will result in the filing of civil and/or criminal charges.
Last Updated: January 2003
The board suggested that Dr. Phillips share the entire Code of Conduct before our first official basketball contest of the year as a reminder to fans that sporting events are an educational experience for our students and inappropriate behavior has consequences.
The second policy/regulations reviewed by the board were relative to student attendance and are included below:
P 2310 Student Attendance
The Board of Education believes that regular attendance is essential to achieving success in school. Education is a total process based upon continual communication and shared responsibilities among parents, students, teachers and school. As students mature and progress through the educational system, they should increasingly assume responsibility for regular attendance. However, parents have a legal and moral responsibility to require regular attendance at school.
Last Updated: January 2003
R 2310 Student Attendance
The Board of Education has established the following rules and regulations regarding attendance, absences and excuses for students. These rules and regulations are intended to comply with Missouri Compulsory Attendance Law (167.031 RSMo.) which establishes compulsory attendance for all children between the ages of seven and sixteen unless their education is provided by other acceptable means or otherwise excusable under the law.
Excusable Absences
In case of absence, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school. If the school is not notified on the day of absence, a note from the parent/guardian will be required on the first day of the student's return to school. The absence will be recorded as unexcused if a note or telephone call is not received.
Excusable absences include, but are not limited to:
1. Illness of the student (Doctor's statement may be required to support such absences).
2. Days of religious observance.
3. Death in the family (Each District shall define degree of relatedness required to excuse absence).
4. Family emergencies which necessitate absence from school. The school must be notified in advance when such absences are foreseen. (Each District shall define degree of emergency required to excuse absence).
The following procedures should be followed by students who are absent so as to prevent academic difficulties:
1. The student shall obtain assignments from appropriate staff members. Assignments shall be obtained in advance if the absence is foreseen.
2. All assigned work shall be submitted upon returning to school.
3. All classroom work (to include tests) shall be completed as indicated by the individual classroom teacher.
Unexcused Absences
Attendance patterns for all students will be monitored. Absences which are not clearly excusable will be investigated by the principal and/or staff, and appropriate action will be taken:
1. After a student has been absent for three (3) consecutive days, it is the building principal's responsibility to contact the parent/guardian by telephone or letter in order to inquire about the reason for the student's absence.
2. If the principal is unable to contact the parent/guardian within three (3) days or the parent/guardian does not give a reasonable explanation for the absence within three (3) days, the building principal shall send a registered letter to the parent/guardian requesting a conference within a week.
3. If the parent/guardian does not contact the principal within a week of receipt of the registered letter, the building principal will make a referral to the proper legal authorities.
4. The building principal shall also notify the office of the Superintendent in writing of the excessive absence and continue to update the Superintendent on the situation.
Excessive Absences
Elementary Students and Middle School Students
A student shall be allowed twenty (20) unexcused days per school year. Excessive absences, excused or unexcused, have a detrimental effect upon academic progress and may be one factor considered in promotion/retention decisions.
High School Students
A student shall be allowed a maximum of ten (10) unexcused absences from any class during a semester. Students who accumulate in excess of ten (10) days in any class are subject to loss of credit for that class. (Days of student suspension are not counted as days absent for purposes of this policy.)
When unusual or extreme circumstances occur, exceptions to this stated policy will be made only by administrative discretion on an individual basis. Any absence not accounted for will be considered an unexcused absence.
Any absence from class as a result of a school-sanctioned activity is not recorded as an absence for purposes of this policy. Example: field trip, athletic event, student activity, etc. It is the student's responsibility to remind all of his/her teachers following a school-sanctioned absence to use the attendance correction form if he/she was reported absent inadvertently.
A student is expected to make up work as a result of class periods missed. It shall be the student's responsibility to meet with the teacher and receive the necessary instructions and assignments.
Any exceptions to the items cited above shall be approved by the Board of Education.
Each principal may have written policies which further detail procedures for making up work, reporting absence, etc.
High school students who are denied credit under this Regulation are entitled to utilize the due process procedures available for student suspensions. These provisions are contained in Regulation 2662 - Suspension.
1. After a student has been absent for three (3) consecutive days, it is the building principal's responsibility to contact the parent/guardian by telephone or letter in order to inquire about the reason for the student's absence.
2. If the principal is unable to contact the parent/guardian within three (3) days or the parent/guardian does not give a reasonable explanation for the absence within three (3) days, the building principal shall send a registered letter to the parent/guardian requesting a conference within a week.
3. If the parent/guardian does not contact the principal within a week of receipt of the registered letter, the building principal will make a referral to the proper legal authorities.
4. The building principal shall also notify the office of the Superintendent in writing of the excessive absence and continue to update the Superintendent on the situation.
Excessive Absences
Elementary Students and Middle School Students
A student shall be allowed twenty (20) unexcused days per school year. Excessive absences, excused or unexcused, have a detrimental effect upon academic progress and may be one factor considered in promotion/retention decisions.
High School Students
Regular attendance and participation in classroom instructional activities are essential to achieving the educational objectives for each class. When students are absent from class, they miss the material covered; they miss the opportunity to interact with the teacher as well as other students; and they miss the opportunity to pursue learning opportunities only available in the classroom interaction.
Students whose absence is unexcused will not receive any credit for instructional activities occurring during their absence. The net effect of an unexcused absence or absences may be a reduction in the student's grade. In addition, students who have unexcused absences may be required to attend after school classes or Saturday classes to complete classroom work covered in their absences.
Students are required to make up work as a result of class periods missed. It is the student's responsibility to meet with the teacher to obtain the necessary assignments and instructions.
Any exceptions to the items cited above shall be approved by the Board of Education. Each principal may have written policies that further detail procedures for making up work and reporting absences.
Last Updated: January 2003
The last policy review by the board was relative to state testing. Here is our policy:
P 6440 Statewide Assessments
All students will participate in statewide assessments or alternate assessments as determined by a student's IEP team. The administration will annually develop an assessment schedule for the current school year. The testing schedule will list the assessment instrument to be administered and the grade level of students that will be administered each test or assessment instrument. This policy and the assessment schedule will be given to each student as well as their parent/guardian at the beginning of each school year. In addition, a copy of this policy and the assessment schedule will be available to the public in the District office during normal business hours.
2023-24 Testing Schedule
MAP-A - February 5, 2024 – May 17, 2024
EOC - March 4, 2024 – May 24, 2024
MAP - April 1, 2024 – May 24, 2024
New Business
The board received program reviews relative to our Homeless & Foster Care Program, ELL & Migrant Program, At-Risk Program and Counseling Program. The following slides were share relative to each review:

Lastly, under New Business the Board heard the Principals' Report from Dr. Jori Phillips and Mr. Trusty. Both highlighted various activities and accomplishments of students all of which have been shared through the News and Live Feeds on our website as well as through our social media recently. For a look at our most recent News posts please click here. For a look at our most recent Live Feed posts please click here. Below are slides relative to the remainder of their presentation:

Here are few photos from our Veterans Day Ceremony. Be sure to check out the full article about this event by clicking here.

We are proud of all our Veterans and appreciate the 38 who were able to attend our ceremony to be honored. Thank you Veterans!

We are also very proud of our Veteran teachers!

The regular board meeting was adjourned at 7:20 when the board entered into Closed Session.
The board voted to accept the retirement of Mrs. Debbie Wommack effective June 30, 2024. Mrs. Wommack has served our district the past 6 years and is looking foward to retiring from education. She has shepherded our amazing Vocational-Agricultural students and served as the sponsor of school's chapter of the FFA. Through the years she has directed students into various vocational-agricultural pursuits through the courses she teaches during the school day. A large part of her job happens outside of the classroom outside of regular school hours when taking students to contests, working with them on supervised agricultural experiences, fund raising, attending various conferences including the National FFA Conference each year in Indianapolis as well as countless other undertakings. Many patrons may not realize as our Vo-Ag teacher she is contracted for twelve months each year and her work from one school year to the next is never really done! Mrs. Wommack, we are grateful to you for all of your service to our students and our school community - you will be greatly missed!
The board voted to hire Mrs. Jessica Yoakum to serve as our fifth and sixth grade English Language Ars teacher. The addition of Mrs. Yoakum to our team will mean these grades will be split into 4 sections next semester. Mrs. Yoakum has experience as first grade teacher, special education teacher and most recently as a Career Resource Coordinator. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Special Education from Avila University in 2017, her Master of Science in Special Education from the University Kanas in 2019 and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Special Education from Liberty University. Mrs. Yoakum shared "I genuinely belive we are all lifelong learners, and I enjoy sharing this belief with everyone." Welcome to the Macks Creek family Mrs. Yoakum!
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
The Regular October meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Vice President Scott Gould. Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Ray Husong, Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The following guests were in attendance: Morgan Buck, Kassidy Campbell, Wyatt Brooks and Debbie Wommack
Members of the Macks Creek FFA Chapter led the board in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Morgan, Kassidy and Wyatt discussed the chapter's latest activities, upcoming plans and shared about the group's upcoming trip to the National Convention in November.
Next, the board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, September minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $302,749.10. The November Regular Board meeting is set for the 16th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
The board heard the superintendent's report as shared by Dr. Phillips which included:
As a part of the State of Missouri's Get the Lead Out Invitiative (GTLO) - The district is working with Environmental Works, Inc. from Springfield, MO to conduct a drinking water outlet inventory, a sampling and testing plan, initial sampling and lab analysis and final reports for a total cost of $5,981. We are approved for approximately $10,000 in reimbursement for any expenses incurred during the GTLO process.
Working to upgrade High School and Elementary main entrances, entrance to the Superintendent’s office and the entrance on the south side of the Elementary.
The District authored and was awarded a $50,000 Grant to make specific safety upgrades.
We are approved for the following:
$14,050 to upgrade existing video surveillance network infrastructure and replace multiple damaged and inoperable cameras.
$2,790 to purchase Exacq software upgrades for Security Cameras.
$9,607 to purchase VOIP phone and intercom system includes 60 Crexendo CX530 base telephone units w/power that will incorporate GPS 911 technology with forwarding functions.
$6,175 for 3M Safety & Security Film installed on 7 doors to improve security of 3 campus entrances.
$17,378 for installation of door control hardware at 3 entrances to improve security of 3 campus entrances. Components will be controlled by our existing Exacq security software.
eRate Update:
Federal Government Program provides reimbursement for highly specific infrastructure upgrades for schools and libraries.
Last year we performed a major upgrade to our wiring and switches moving away from CAT 5 cables to Fiber Optics in-between the server room and switches. We also upgraded to “Smart” Switches and began switching out old WIFI Access points which had annual fees ($1500 per year) to more efficient switches w/o fees.
Program involves sophisticated bidding, selection of vendor and reimbursement process.
The project that was completed last year utilized the remaining reimbursement funds available to us in a 5-year cycle.
The project that began last year and was just finished utilized new funding to finish our wifi, cabling and switch upgrades.
The total project cost was $23,368.86 and we recently received an 80%* reimbursement of $18,695.09.
*Note: eRate funding is directly tied to our poverty rate.
Completed installation of a concrete gully to prevent future wash-out on our frontage. Concrete costs were approximately $1,000 but this should prevent future wash-outs and further damage (pipe replacement was nearly $700).
Switch-out of propane tanks is complete - The district utilizes Thompson Gas. MFA recently acquired the tanks of our former provider, Gygr Gas who went out of business. Thompson and MFA coordinated this switch...
During Old Business the board voted to set the date of the Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony for 6:00 PM Thursday, May 9, 2024. The board also set the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2025 for 6:00 PM Friday, May 9, 2025. The board appreciated the feedback of the 11 families who responded to the survey to provide feedback regarding the scheduling of this year's ceremony.
Next, the board reviewed the district's CSIP Plan to discuss progress toward goals. The following informaiton was shared:
Leadership and Mentorship (Goal 1.B)
HS/MS have two people for tutoring Mondays - Thursdays
Wrestling Club and Archery are starting back up
Leadership and Mentorship (Goal 1.C)
Continuing to work and find items that interest students not already involved in a sport or after school activity
Teaching and Learning (Goal 2.A)
Juniors have already taken the ASVAB with other tests to come in the future
HS PCL Principals have discussed an ACT Boot Camp in the Spring
Looking to utilize one of our Explore classes in SFE as an ACT Prep style class for the four tested areas
Teaching and Learning (Goals 2.B and 2.C)
HS is utilizing Progress Learning (EOC) while all MAP areas are implementing NWEA for benchmark testing and to acclimate students to the types of questions they could see on state standardized tests
Actively seeking PD for teachers to hone their craft and adjust styles to meet the changing tests
Teaching and Learning (Goal 2.D)
Monitoring student attendance and sending out notifications to parents/guardians when students miss 5, 8, and 10 days
HS is bringing incentives back into the building (perfect attendance)
Climate and Culture (Goal 3.A)
Students Government is back up and going with roughly 16 members
We have met twice so far with the next meeting on November 3
Will work to invite students to attend future Board meeting(s)
During New Business, the Board approved the FFA's trip to the National Convention in Indianapolis and the FBLA's trip to National Fall Leadership Conference in Dallas.
Lastly, the Board heard the Principal's Report from Dr. Jori Phillips and Mr. Trusty. They shared the following:

The meeting was adjourned at 6:57 PM. The board did not enter into Closed Session.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Thursday, September 21, 2023
The Regular September meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Ray Husong, Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The following guests were in attendance: Tiffany Coyle, Carlyn Arnold, David Arnold, Joy Willey, Deborah Eidson, Ashley Willis, Meagan Stoner, Tyler Jones, Brittany Hunt, Selma Mack, Jay Mack and Shawna Willis.
The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and heard public comment. Next the board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, August minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $301,250.40. The October Regular Board meeting is set for the 24th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
The board heard the superintendent's report as shared by Dr. Phillips.

Next the board discussed new business. The board tabled action relative to selecting a graduation date for the Class of 2024. Graduation has been held on the Friday before Mother's Day for the past several years. This year the district has been asked to consider an alternative date to accomodate families who have graduates in neighboring districts. Mr. Trusty will poll families to see if there are any conflicts with a suggested alternative date of Thursday, May 8th and report back to the board in October. The boad approved the adoption of several new policies, reviewed and approved the district's CSIP and heard the report from our principals.

Below are slides from the Principals' report.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 PM and the board entered into closed session.
The board approved the resignation of Laurie Jones as Head Softball Coach and the resignation of Alex Jones as Assistant Softball Coach. Next the board approved Rebecca Salter to serve as Head Softball Coach. Mrs. Salter has three years of prior high school coaching experience. She coached softball and baseball at Climax Springs earlier in her teaching career. She also has experience playing softball in college and as a member of intramural leagues.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the Annual Tax Rate Hearing of the Macks Creek Board of Education...
Thursday, August 24, 2023
The hearing was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty , Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Ray Husong, Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance. The board voted 6 - 1 in favor of setting the tax levy at $3.4419 for Fund I and $0.4120 for Fund III. Below is information shared during the hearing which was adjourned at 5:39 PM.

Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Thursday, August 24, 2023
The Regular August meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty , Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Ray Husong, Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Next the board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, July minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $376,053.44. The September Regular Board meeting is set for the 21st at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
The board heard the superintendent's report as shared by Dr. Phillips included the following:
Annual Secretary of the Board Report - A healthy carryover from last year. Final report will be shared next month.
Won an Equipment Grant for a new dishwasher for kitchen. Grant will cover approximately $11K of the 16K total cost.
Roofs weathered 8/14 storm well – no leaks!
HVAC working well overall!
Back-to-School workshops were successful
Sept. 15th PCL PD Day
Back to School Bash planned for this Saturday in the Park
New VOIP phone system is fully installed and working well
New Student Information System has been rolled out. Everyone is learning how to utilize Infinite Campus.
It has been a great start to the school year!
We are excited to welcome several high-quality individuals to our team this year:
Mrs. Lynn Bowman - Elementary Secretary
Mrs. Bowman is not new to the district, but is changing roles from full time substitute to Elementary Secretary. We are excited to have Mrs. Bowman join the Elementary Team in this capacity!
Mrs. Stephanie Hubbard - Elementary Special Education
Mrs. Stephanie Hubbard will join our team as our elementary special education teacher. She has lived and worked in Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. She shares “it only took a half of a century, but it finally dawned on me that the bitter cold of these states isn’t my thing. I want to live the rest of my life where there are four seasons, but the coldest one doesn’t last the bulk of the year. I am thrilled to be in Missouri where I plan to live, work, and eventually retire. I am very excited about this position, working with awesome people, and getting to live in such a beautiful area.” Stephanie is married to her husband Michael Hubbard and they have two “almost grown” children. Her daughter and son are both passionate about basketball and are pursuing business degrees in college. She and her husband recently relocated to a farm in Wheatland where they live with their aussiedoodle named Merle. In addition to keeping up with Merle, her other hobbies include walking in nature, reading, being on or by lake water, being a spectator at district events, and shopping. Stephanie has served in education for over 30 years. She has taught students at every grade level. She shared, “I started my career as a special education teacher in an elementary cross-categorical classroom. I went on to teach in a regular second grade classroom, but then returned to special education for the bulk of my career.” In addition to teaching, she has served as a transitions coordinator, special education director, and as superintendent in two Wisconsin districts before moving to Missouri where she most recently served as superintendent of Climax Springs. Stephanie is passionate about improving student outcomes and is excited to return to the classroom!
Mr. Brian Knox - 5th/6th Grade ELA
Mr. Brian Knox will serve as our 5th and 6th grade ELA teacher. Mr. Knox has spent the past five years serving students as a Communication Arts teacher at the Change Academy Lake of the Ozarks. Brian is passionate about theater. He has a Bachelors of Arts in Theatre from Drury University and hopes to use his skills in theater to bring productions to Macks Creek School. Brian spent several years touring the United States with Theatre IV and Poetry Alive. With both theatrical companies he performed in productions tailored to school children relative to figurative language and history. Brian is also passionate about basketball and will be serving as our assistant boys basketball coach.
Ms. Krysti Rice - 3rd Grade
Krysti Rice will serve as a 3rd grade teacher this fall. She served as the librarian at Climax Springs School last year. She recently completed her degree in elementary education and is excited to begin her teaching career. Krysti graduated from Macks Creek School and is looking forward to returning to her alma mater this fall.
Ms. Rebecca Salter - PreSchool
Rebeca Salter will serve as our preschool teacher this year. Mrs. Salter has a Bachelor's degree in early childhood education as well as four years of prior experience in education including serving as a preschool teacher. She left education for several years to serve as case worker for the Children's Division and most recently served the Camdenton School District as a homeless liaison. She is passionate about helping children and families and loves working with students. She is looking forward to returning to the classroom this fall.
Ms. Alexia Mayer - Title I
Ms. Mayer joins us this year as an Elementary Title I paraprofessional. She will be working alongside Mrs. Danek to provide math and reading intervention instruction. Lexi also plans to assist with sports when possible.
Mr. Logan Gallamore - Elementary PE
Mr. Gallamore joins us this year after graduating from Macks Creek just last May. Mr. Gallamore is currently working on his degree through State Fair Community College in the field of Education. Logan will also work in Elementary Classrooms throughout the year.
Mr. Chris Bothwell - MS Science
Mr. Bothwell joins us as our 7th and 8th grade Science teacher this year after being a sub in the District in the past. After 21 years in the Army, he retired and returned to school to get his Masters in Curriculum and Instruction to teach middle school science. This will be his seventh year teaching. He enjoys exploring nature, photography, and enjoys working with students in middle school. He is married to Candy Bothwell. Their daughter is expecting her first child in early August.
Mrs. Jody Etherton - MS Social Studies
Mrs. Jody Etherton, will serve as our Middle School Social Studies teacher. Jody, who is starting her 9th year as a Missouri public school teacher, has a mission “to let students know it’s ok to make mistakes, help them to learn from their mistakes, and to push them to realize their highest potential”. She married her husband, Todd, July 29, 2023. The Ethertons’ enjoy spending time with their eight children, including attending their various sports and band activities, as well as church activities. Mrs. Etherton also enjoys volunteering at church camps and VBS, along with coaching various sports.
During New Business the board selected Oakstar Bank to continue to serve as our Depository from September 1 , 2023 through August 31, 2026. Every three years , as mandated by state statutes the board advertises and seeks bids from area banks to serve as our depository. In turn, the board opens the sealed bids during the August Board meeting, compares the rates and services and makes a selection. This year the only bid submitted was from Oakstar Bank who has served the district the past 6 years.
The board also approved the State of Missouri's Model Compliance plan for Special Education. The plan ensures local complaince with state regulations relative to implementing Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Act at Macks Creek School.
The board reviewed and approved school bus routes for the 2023-2024 school year. Macks Creek School operates 5 routes to bring students to and from school every day we are in session as well as bus 12 students who attend the Laker Career and Technology Center in Camdenton. Our district is proud to fully own and operate our fleet of 8 school buses. Our fleet is comprised of International buses. Two were manufactured in 2006, three in 2010, one in 2015, one in 2020 and one in 2024. We are grateful to our route drivers, Mr. Carl Coffey, Mrs. Robin Edelman, Mr. Mark Stoner, Mr. Doyle Evans and Mr. David Arnold for keeping each of their buses looking sharp and for safely transporting students to and from school each day! We are also grateful to our subsitute bus drivers, Mr. Everett Rector, Mrs. Jody Etherton, Mr. Kris Paschel, Mr. Byron Willis and Mr. Jason Trusty. Mr. Trusty is also serving as our Transportation Director this year and has done an excellent job of getting everything "rolling" this school year. Lastly, we appreciate Lewis, Carla and JR Stoufer for their outstanding maintenance of our fleet. Thanks to the Stoufer's team we earned the Highway Patrol's Fleet Excellence Award for 2023 with 100% score on our most recent inspection conducted by Troop F.
The board declared a multitude of items "surplus" and directed Dr. Phillips to make them available to the public for purchase. These items include Old Bus # 25 (2006), Ford Expedition, Covered Trailer, 6,000 gallon propane tank, assorted hand & power tools, pottery items (molds, wheel & kilns) and miscellaneous furniture. Dr. Phillips will release information about how individuals can bid on these surplus items in the coming months.
Lastly, Elementary Principal, Dr. Jori Phillips and High School Principal, Mr. Jason Trusty shared their report. The slides from the Principals' Report are below.
The board did not meet in closed session and the meeting was adjourned at 7:02 PM.

Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Thursday, July 20, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty and members Ray Husong and Liz Stoner were in attendance.
The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Next the board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, June minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $391,066.08. The August Regular Board Meeting and annual Tax Rate Hearing are set for the 24th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
The board heard the superintendent's report as shared by Dr. Phillips included the following:
The district has taken delivery on a 2024 International School bus.
There is a 2013 Suburban for sale by a private party. Consider selling our Ford Expedition and purshasing this SUV?
Summer work is proceeding on schedule. Our staff are refinishing floors, painting and deep cleaning.
Career Ladder Plan should include component for at least 50% of hours devoted to working directly with students
We are ready to introduce a new sport this winter. Our High School Wrestling program is ready to begin!
PWSD #1 has completed upgrading the pipes that serve the school. The district will now proceed with the states "Get the Lead Out" Program. This entails testing all faucets and drinking fountains in the district for lead and if lead is present determining the source and replumbing as needed.
The gym floor has been refinished.
Thompson Gas is pumping out our oldest propane tank. This 6,000 gallon tank is no longer needed now that the district has upgraded HVAC units. We will recieve a credit with Thompson gas for each gallon on our account.
A week before we were scheduled to install our new phone system ligntening damaged servers on our old system. The new system wil be installed this week.
Our HS Math Teacher, Mr. Kris Paschel was nominated to be the Heart of Missouri Professional Development Cooperative Teacher of the Year. The application process to be considered was rigourous and we are proud of Mr. Paschel for going through the process, attending the nomination banquet and being honored with other area nominees for his outstanding work with our students!
During New Business, the board approved increases to meal prices for the 23-24 school year. Dr. Phillips shared the following with the board in explanation as to why we must increase our meal prices:
Since our program is so heavily subsidized by the USDA, everyone benefits from the subsidies afforded to our district. Through the use of these USDA funds we offer very low priced meals to full paying students and adults (especially when compared to meals served at a traditional resturaunt). When the district qualified for the Community Eligibility Provision (which was based upon the having more than 40% of the families within our district signing up for federal government's Supplemental Nurtrition Assistance Program), there was no need to raise student lunch prices since everyone was free. However, we should have raised adult prices at a rate of 10 cents per year for a total of 90 cents. Now that we are no longer eligible for CEP a 90 cent increase for students is still required for compliance. In order to maintain compliance with regulations governing subsidized food service programs, we are required to transfer $13,662.90 from the general fund to our Food Service Account to offset the "discounted" prices charged to adults and full paying children last school year.
Since a 90 cent increase is so large, I recommend a more modest increase of 35 cents for student lunches, 15 cents for student breakfasts and 60 cents for adult lunches and 20 cents for adult breakfasts. We will likely still have to make a transfer at the end of this year, but it will not be as great as it was this year.
Additionally, the federal government has increased the minimum to qualify for F/R lunch from last year. We plan to highlight this change when we announce our price increases at the beginning of the school year. We know many more will qualify this year than last year and all those who would have qualified, but simply didn't return the paperwork, will hopefully be motivated to apply this year. We are grateful to all the families who do complete the application. In addition to offsetting the cost of lunch and breakfast for each famliy if they qualify, F/R lunch figures factor into the formula calculation which determines how much funding we receive from the State. F/R lunch figures are also utilized to determine which Missouri districts are given preference when various grants are awarded.
The board approved the agreement with the Exceptional Pupil Cooperative fo the Ozarks regarding special education services that will be provided to the district for the coming school year.
The board approved an Memorandum of Understanding with the Camden County Sheriff's Office for a School Resource Officer for the coming school year. Macks Creek School will pay approximately $44,000 per year to have a fully trained officer on our campus during the school day and at extra curricular events.
The board approved an MOU with Richland Medical Center, Inc. to continue to make embedded counseling services available to students for SY 23-24.
The board approved “Conflict of Interest Ordinance” for School Board Members in accordance with Section 105.487 RSMo. This ordinance is routinely updated an approved every three years at the direction of the Missouri Ethics Commission.
The board evaluated Survey Data and considered our current Cell Phone Policy ultimately deciding to leave the current policy in place but require all students to place their phones in pockets designed to hold scientific calculators. All middle school and high school teachers will have these holders hanging in their rooms students for students to place phones. Any students not wishing to place their phones in the holders during class time may leave them in their cars or at home. Students will be allowed to utilize their phones outside of class time which includes before school, in between classes, during lunch and after school. The board appreciated all of the feedback obtained from the surveys and would like to than everyone who provided input.
The board approved Changes to Student Handbook for SY 23-24.
Lastly, the board discussed purchasing a subscription to Hudl by inviting local businesses to consider a sponsorship. Hudl provides an automated camera system in the gymnasium to record athletic events. In turn through the subscription the events may be livestreamed to allow patrons who are unable to attend the event to view it off campus. The footage of basketball games is also reviewed by an independent third party who compiles the stats of each athlete. Coaches can also share game footage with other coaches and scouts in an easy manner to reduce the amount of time our coaches spend "scouting". Lastly, the footage can be easily shared with college coaches who may be interested in recruiting our athletes after they graduate high school. The annual subscription is $7,000 per year. Many patrons have expressed a desire to be able to view games when they cannot be present. The automated camera installed in the gym will ensure none of the action will ever be missed. In addition to streaming basketball games, our Veterans Day Ceremony, Music productions and Graduation Ceremony may also be shared. Lastly, by taking equipment to our baseball and softball home games those events may be live streamed as well.
The board entered into closed session at 6:46 PM.
The board accepted the resignation of Ethan English who served the past year as a custodian. Ethan has decided to pursue a college degree and we wish him the very best! Dr. Phillips will be posting for a part-time student worker to help with custodial work each evening school is in session when school resumes in August.
The board discussed special education staffing for the coming school year.
The board voted to hire Mrs. Stephanie Hubbard to serve as a special education teacher for the 23-24 school year. Mrs. Hubbard will join our team as our elementary special education teacher. She has lived and worked in Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. She shares “it only took a half of a century, but it finally dawned on me that the bitter cold of these states isn’t my thing. I want to live the rest of my life where there are four seasons, but the coldest one doesn’t last the bulk of the year. I am thrilled to be in Missouri where I plan to live, work, and eventually retire. I am very excited about this position, working with awesome people, and getting to live in such a beautiful area.” Stephanie is married to her husband Michael Hubbard and they have two “almost grown” children. Her daughter and son are both passionate about basketball and are pursuing business degrees in college. She and her husband recently relocated to a farm in Wheatland where they live with their aussiedoodle named Merle. In addition to keeping up with Merle, her other hobbies include walking in nature, reading, being on or by lake water, being a spectator at district events, and shopping. Stephanie has served in education for over 30 years. She has taught students at every grade level. She shared, “I started my career as a special education teacher in an elementary cross-categorical classroom. I went on to teach in a regular second grade classroom, but then returned to special education for the bulk of my career.” In addition to teaching, she has served as a transitions coordinator, special education director, and as superintendent in two Wisconsin districts before moving to Missouri where she most recently served as superintendent of Climax Springs. Stephanie is passionate about improving student outcomes and is excited to return to the classroom!
The board voted to accept the resignation of Mr. Ryan Hedrick. Coach Hedrick has served the district the past several years as a physical education and health teacher working with our students in grades PK through 12. Coach Hedrick has also served as Softball coach and our Athletic Director. He is leaving the district to serve in Russellville Schools as an Assistant Principal. We are grateful to Ryan for his committed years of service to our school community and wish him the best in his future endevours!
The meeting was adjourned at 7:16 PM. B
Below are photos of the results of the cell phone survey reveiwed by the board and a photo of Mr. Kris Paschel at the Teacher of the Year Nomination Banquet. In addition to the pie charts below, the board also reviewed comments left by patrons, which were too numberours to include. The board is grateful to the 86 respondents to the survey!

Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Thursday, June 29, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty , Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Ray Husong, Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Next the board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, May minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $327,225.61. The July Regular Board meeting is set for the 20th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
The board heard the superintendent's report as shared by Dr. Phillips included the following:
The district expects to take delivery on a 2024 International School bus next week.
Dr. Phillips shared dual-credit students, basketball players, softball players, cheerleaders and vocational-agriculture students have all been hard at work. Many students are taking advantage of dual-credit offerings during the summer and lightening their course load during the regular school year. Our athletes have been busy playing in tournaments, leagues and scrimmages. Our Vo-Ag students have participated in camps and other activities.
Caleb Phillips visited Washington D.C. as an electrical cooperative representative three weeks ago as a part of an annual "Youth Tour" sponsored by Electrical Coops throughout the United States. Caleb applied to participate and after submitting an essay and going through an interview process, was selected as one of two represenatives for Southwest Electric and as one of 104 who represented Missouri. He also applied and was accepted to Missouri Boys State. The American Legion Zack Wheat Post 624 in Camdenton sponspored his participation in “a week to change a lifetime” on the campus of Lindenwood University in St. Charles. Students who are interested in attending Youth Tour as well as Girls State or Boys State must have completed their junior year of high school, must be activey involved within the school community, well-rounded and in good academic standing. Prior to Caleb, Macks Creek Alumni, Alexia Mayer and Makenna Campbell were most recently chosen by Southwest Electric to participate in the Youth Tour. To learn more about the Youth Tour please click here. To learn more about Girls State, please click here. To learn more about Boys State, please click here.
Our district is thankful to the Alumni Association for hosting another successful banquet and we are proud of Laurie Jones, Lee Dobbs who were recognized as Teachers of the Year as well as Carl Coffey who was inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame. To learn more about the banquet please click here.
We are thankful to our staff for providing summer food to students every week! To learn more or to sign your children up to participate please click here. The program is completely free to any child ages birth up until at 19 and includes 2-gallons of milk, seven breakfasts and seven lunches. Participants do not have to live in our school district and there isn't any paperwork required to sign up.
During New Business, the board approved updates to the district's Contiunous School Improvement Plan. To view the entire plan, please click here.
Dr. Phillips previously applied and received approval for the district to participate in the Missouri's Baseline Teacher Salary grant as well as the Career Ladder through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The board granted approval for the district to participate in both programs. The district will receive reimbursement in the amount $81,945 for the baseline salary grant which requires no match on the district's part and covers 100% of the difference between where the teacher is currently on the salary schedule and $38,000. This amount also includes 14.5% of the portion of each teacher's salary the district is required to contribute to the Public School Retirment System. In the coming school year, through Career Ladder based on their years of service, 4 teachers may earn an additional $1,500, 4 teachers an additional $3,000, and 17 teachers an additional $5000. The State will fund $61,800 and the District will fund $42,200. To view the district's approved Career Ladder Plan please click here.
The board also adopted the FY24 Budget. Here is a summary:
The budget for 2023-2024 will allow the district to purchase necessities and continue to make improvements to programs and facilities. The budget compares prior year revenues to the current year and reflects the goal of maintaining a healthy unrestricted fund balance around 40%. This budget is designed to meet the educational needs of all children in our district.
The district anticipates 60 full-time employees and three part-time for FY24. Full-time personnel receive $500 per month to spend on health insurance, a $50,000 life-insurance policy and a long-term disability policy (a total board paid benefit of $6,140). Enrollment is expected to be 320 (PK-12).
This budget reflects several factors that have an impact on where dollars have been allocated:
The budget was developed with an expected 100% funding of the foundation formula and full funding of transportation by the State. If these expectations are not met, the district has sufficient reserves to fund this budget and maintain a fund balance of approximately 40%.
Teachers were given their step on the certified salary schedule and $500 was added to the base, increasing it to $33,500. However, through the State’s Teacher Baseline Salary Grant all teachers will make at least $38,000. An additional $2000 was added to the salary schedule for any teachers making over $38,000. A corresponding 5% pay increase was given to all classified staff and administrators. It is important to note the adjustments to the district’s salary schedule to increase the baseline salary are funded with a state appropriation equal to 100% of the amounts specified and may not be available in subsequent years. Additionally, the schedule includes local columns funded by the district that also may not be available in subsequent years based upon state funding.
This budget provides for Career Ladder. Four teachers may earn an additional $1,500, 4 teachers an additional $3,000, and 17 teachers an additional $5000. The State will fund $61,800 and the District will fund $42,200.
The district’s Food Service Program is supplemented by the USDA’s Free and Reduced Lunch program. All students participating in after school activities will continue to receive a free healthy “super snack” through the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Elementary students will continue to receive healthy snacks through the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.
We will continue to make improvements to facilities while upgrading technology and improving curriculum.
This budget reflects $133,055 in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Funding. These funds are earmarked in accordance ESSER guidelines to address our students’ academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs due to the effects of lost instructional time as a result of COVID-19. As such we will continue to use ESSER III to augment our guidance program.
Lastly, this budget reflects funding to purchase a new school bus.
This adopted budget serves as the administration’s authorization to operate Macks Creek School in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri and the policies of the Macks Creek R-V School District.
Lastly, the board, as per Missouri statutes, approved the amendment of last years's budget to match actual figures.
The board did not meet in closed session and the meeting was adjourned at 6:45.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Thursday, May 17, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Sara Stoufer. Vice President Scott Gould, Secretary Stacy Trusty , Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer and members Ray Husong, Liz Stoner and Byron Willis were in attendance.
The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Next the board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, April minutes, May 4 Special Board Meeting minutes as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $274,351.11. The June Regular Board meeting is set for the 29th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
The board heard the superintendent's report as shared by Dr. Phillips.
Dr. Phillips shared the following:
The district will receive our newest school bus, Bus #20 before we start back to school in August. The board approved the purchase of the bus in March. The bus is a 71-passenger, 2024 International purchased from Midwest Transit.
Issues relative to water blowing in an causing a leak near the entrance to the elementary school should be fully rectified. Contractor Ronnie Stoufer has identified the cause of the issue and taken steps to keep the weather out going foward. Additionally, repairs were made in the area surrounding this leak.
Our hardworking custodial and maintenance staff has a schedule of summer work in place that includes floor refinishing, painting, deep cleaning, gym repainting and miscellaneous painting thourough our campus.
After eleven years of utlizing the same centralized copier, scanner, and printing equipment, the district has entered into an agreement with Ricoh for $527 per month to upgrade to brand new software and equimpment. Everything will be in place before our teachers return to school in August. While new features will be available, the equipment will allow staff to utilize a the new menu or if they prefer, call up the menu utilized the past 11 years to run the equipment.
After one year of a cooperative agreement with Skyline Schools for our students to play football, only four Macks Creek athletes were interested in playing football this fall. When the initial agreement was struck with Skyline, the understanding was Macks Creek High School would have approximately a dozen students actively participating. Unfortunately, due to insufficient numbers on our part, the co-op cannot be maintained. We wish to thank our neighbors at Skyline for this incredible opportunity, as well as the warm welcome to the team last season and regret we couldn't encourage greater participation. We also wish the Skyline football program the best going forward!
The district is upgrading our phone and intercom system which have been utilized since 1998. Recenlty, both sytems have experienced significant equipment failure for which parts or complete replacements are no longer manufactured. To that end the district is upgrading to a system that utililizes voice over internet protocols through a company called Crexendo. Once this occurs we will no longer have a traditional telephone bill and will have a variety of other features not currently available with our more traditional sytem. One feature that will enhance safety will allow pin-point indentification of the exact location of any 911 call made on our campus. Another feature will allow certain users to make and receive calls on their cell phones as if they are using the telephone in their classroom or office.
Under New Business, the board adopted Policies 3230, 4130, 4412 and Regulations 0320 and 6190. The policy revision are relative to school board elections, payments from fedral awards/cash management, expenditures for certificated staff and staff contracts, respectively. The regulation updates are relative to virtual education. All Macks Creek policies are available for review at any by visiting A link is also always available under Parent Resources and Documentation on our website.
Also, under new business the board voted to accept the bids from Hiland diary, Woods Supermarket, Thompson Propane, MFA oil and Stoufer Tire and Auto for goods and services for the 23-24 school year.
The board heard the principals' report of from Dr. Jori Phillips and Mr. Trusty. Please click here to review the slide show our principals shared.
The meeting was adjouned at 6:11 PM.
The board voted to reassign Lynn Bowman to serve as full time elementary secretary. Mrs. Bowman has served as a full-time subsitute teacher and special education para-professional. The district is excited to welcome her to this new role.
The board voted to hire Alexia Mayer to serve as a para-professional next school year. Miss Mayer is a Macks Creek Alumnus who his currently attending college to be earn a Bachelor's Degree in Education. The district is excited to welcome Lexi back to our campus in this new capacity.
The board voted to hire Rebeca Slater to teach preschool next school year. Mrs. Slater has a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education as well as four years of prior experience in education including serving as a preschool teacher. She left education for several years to serve as case worker for the Children's Division and is currently employed by the Camdenton School District as a homeless liaison. She is passionate about helping children and families and loves working with students. She is excited to return to the classroom.
The board assigned the extra duty of coaching Cross Country and Track to Renae Ratliff. Mrs. Ratliff serves the district as the Secretary to the Superintendent. Mrs. Ratliff has prior experience with both sports and is excited to take on the head coaching role.
The board also voted to assign the extra duty of head baseball coach to Jeff Treat. Mr. Treat is currently teacing PE and serving as our head boys basketball coach as well as head Track & Field Coach. He has prior experience as a head baseball coach an is excited to return to the baseball diamond next spring.
Lastly, the board hired Mrs. Jody Etheron to teach Middle School Social Studies. Mrs. Etherton has 8 years of teaching experience. She is currently serving at Miller Schools as Special Education Teacher and Process Coordinator. Mrs. Etherton has Masters of Education and is certified to teach elementary educatoin, 5-9 math, 5-9 science, 5-9 social science, early childhood special education, and K-12 cross-categorical special education. She is passionate about teaching and learning and is looking foward to sharing her love of learning with our students. Mrs. Etherton shared "I teach in a way that is enjoyable and easy to understand. I try to link the concepts to real life situations to help students grasp them. I strive to see students not just get by, but deeply learn the concepts and be able to apply them in their lives. I feel every student can learn and teachers need to reach them where they are and encourage them to do the very best they can."
The meeting was adjourned at 6:34 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Thursday, April 20, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Michael Parrack. Vice President Byron Willis, Secretary Stacy Trusty and members Ray Husong, Scott Gould and Sara Stoufer were in attendance. The board certified the results of the April 4, 2023 election and adjourned.
Outgoing Board President Michael Parrack led our newest boad member, Mrs. Liz Stoner in the oath of office. Please click here to learn more about Mrs. Stoner. Macks Creek School wishes to thank Mr. Parrack for his 12 years of service to our school board. Mr. Parrack has provided valuable leadership and insight. Mr. Parrack led the district through a successful bond issue campaign and through the construction of the K-2 wing in 2016. He has helped the district to stay financially sound while increasing salary and benefits for Macks Creek employees regulary. He has also been instrumental in challenging the district to develop processes to more effectively serve all students. Mr. Parrack regularly volunteers at Macks Creek School events. He is always ready to roll up his sleeves to serve in the kitchen, officiate a basketball game, park cars, serve on a committee or attend school events ranging from ball games to musicals. To say Michael is passionate about Macks Creek School is an understatement - thank you Mr. Parrack for your faithul service to our children these past twelve years!
Dr. Phillips called the new board to order. The board selected Sara Stoufer to serve as President, Scott Gould to serve as Vice President, Stacy Trusty to serve as Secretary and Jim Wehmeyer to serve as Treasurer. Thank you Sara, Scott, Stacy and Jim for your willingness to serve in each of these capacities!
The board was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by the Wrestling Club. Coach Kris Paschel shared information about the club's inaugural season. Please click here to see the group's entire presentation. Next the board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, March minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $274,351.11. The May Regular Board meeting is set for the 17th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
The board heard the superintendent's report as shared by Dr. Phillips.
Please use the following link to view the complete board presentation, including all old and new business, shared at the meeting by clicking here.
The board approved the senior trip agenda. Thirteen seniors and two sponsors will fly to Destin, FL where they will stay in a seaside condo, enjoy the beach, swim, snorkel, deep sea fish, parasail, shop, sight see and hopefully relax! The group will depart early Monday morning and we hope they all have a safe and fun time!
Next the board approved a summer food program. This program is sponsored United States Department of Agriculture. Macks Creek School will partner with Encounter Cove to administer the program. Through the program, anyone ages birth through age 18 is eligible to participate. One time per week staff from our school will be on-hand to distribute a gallon of milk along with 7 lunch and 7 breakfast meals. The only requirement to participate is to sign up ahead of time and pick up the meals with the child or children who will be eating them each week. No paper work is required and children do not need to be members of the Macks Creek R-V School distict. To sign up for the program, please contact Mrs. Martha Mankey here at school at 573-363-5909, Option 1. We ask if you do sign up, you honor the commitment to pick up the food once each week. The program will run May 19 - August 22.
Next, the board heard the principals' report from Dr. Phillips and Mr. Trusty.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 PM.
During closed session the board voted to approve a 2% pay increase for all classified employees . Next, the board voted to rehire all classified employees for next year.
The board voted to hire Mr. Brian Knox to serve as our 5th and 6th grade social studies teacher next year. Mr. Knox has spent the past 5 years serving students as a Communication Arts teacher at the Change Academy Lake of the Ozarks. Brian is passionate about theatre. He has a Bachelors of Arts in Theatre from Drury University and hopes to use his skills in theatre to bring productions to Macks Creek School. Brian spent several years touring the United States with Theatre IV and Poetry Alive. With both theatrical companies he performed in productions tailored to school children relative to figurative language and history. Brian is also passionate about basketball and will be serving as our assistant boys basketball coach. Welcome to Macks Creek School Mr. Knox!
The board accepted the resignation of Mrs. Rebekah Todd. Mrs. Todd has served as a Kindergarten teacher the past 10 years. She is leaving us to take a position much closer to her home as she has commuted a long distance to serve our students every day for many years. Elementary principal, Dr. Phillips shared that she is "kind and patient" with her students, has a "cool and calm demeanor" and always shows love to eveyone. The quote that hangs above her door, from the writer of Winnie the Pooh, describes the inspiration she provides for her students: “You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” We will miss you Mrs. Todd and wish you the best in all your future endevours!
The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Thursday, March 23, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Michael Parrack. Vice President Byron Willis, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer, Secretary Stacy Trusty and members Ray Husong, Scott Gould and Sara Stoufer were in attendance.
The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and heard public comment from Tiffany Coyle, Nicole Bell, Joanna Bell and Liz Stoner. Next the board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, February minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $321,446.49. The April Regular Board meeting is set for the 20th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
The board heard the superintendent's report as shared by Dr. Phillips.
Please use the following link to view the complete board presentation, including all old and new business, shared at the meeting by clicking here.
The board voted to approve the salary schedule for 2023-2024. In doing so the board increased the base teacher salary to $33,500 and authorized Dr. Phillips to apply for the minimum teacher salary grant setting the minimum salary at $38,000. All teachers already making over the minimum salary can expect an increase of $500 plus their step on the salary schedule next year.
The board approved the benefit package for next school year, setting the monthly board-paid insurance premium at $500. The board also voted to provide board paid health-insurance and long-term disability while making a wide variety of ancillary benefits available for each full-time employee.
The board voted to purchase a 2024 International School Bus in the amount of $128,531.00.
The board heard the principals' report as shared by Dr. Phillips and Mr. Trusty.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:05.
During closed-session, the board voted to rehire all probationary and tenured teachers for next school year. The board also approved all extra duties for our teachers for next school year.
The board hired Mr. Chris Bothwell to serve as our Middle School Science teacher next school year. Mr. Bothwell is certified in science education and has previous teaching experience. He has also served here at Macks Creek School as a substitute teacher in recent years. Mr. Bothwell is passionate about the subject and believes in a hands-on approach where students spend the majority of their time learning in a laboratory setting. With the addition of Mr. Bothwell to our middle school, an additional section has been created which will reduce the class sizes in science, social studies, math, and communication arts. Welcome to our team Mr. Bothwell!
Lastly, the board accepted the resignation of Mr. Luke Overton. Mr. Overton has served as our middle school history teacher and coach the past two years. Mr. Overton shared he has taken a position closer to his family so he can help his grandparents on the family farm. He also shared "I have felt like I am at home at Macks Creek and have greatly appreciated the guidance, instruction, and welcoming atmosphere that I have enjoyed these past two years. I am sorrowful that I have to leave." We wish you the best Mr. Overton!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Thursday, February 9, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Michael Parrack. Vice President Byron Willis, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer, Secretary Stacy Trusty and members Ray Husong, Scott Gould and Sara Stoufer were in attendance.
The board was led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance by members of the Macks Creek FBLA. Caleb Phillips and Lowell Charlton discussed the history of the chapter as well as future plans. The group had a great deal of success at Districts this year, with 9 students earning the opportunity to compete at State competition in 17 different areas! For more information about FBLA Districts please click here. Caleb and Lowell explained that FBLA isn't broken into classes based upon school size. As a result, our students excelled against competition from Camdenton, Waynesville and Lebanon. Ashlee Klinksick and Leanna Tower took 2nd place in Graphic Design. Both young ladies gave their presentation to the board. The slide show utilized during Leanna and Ashlee's presentation is included further below.
The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, January minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $272,410.82. The February Regular Board meeting is set for the 23rd at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
Please use the following link to view the complete presentation shared at the meeting by clicking here.
The board voted to maintain the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan as it stands.
The board discussed calendar options, studied survey feedback and approved Calendar Option B for the 2023-2024. Calendar Option B was the most popular option as revealed by survey data from the school community as well as faculty and staff. The board read each of the comments of respondents and appreciates everyone who took the time to respond to the surveys. The board approved calendar option for next school year can be viewed by clicking here.
The results of the Community Survey were as follows:

The results of the Faculty & Staff Survey were as follows:

The board heard the Principals' report. The slides shared during their report can be viewed using the link above.
The board adjourned the regular meeting at 6:56 PM and entered directly into closed session. The board voted to accept the resignation of Mrs. Martha Mankey, Mrs. Taylor Dority and Mrs. Kathyrn Allen.
Mrs. Mankey is retiring this year. She has diligently served our elementary school as secretary for the past 12 years. Martha shared that a teacher and students once made a card for her that depicted "an octupus using its tentacles to hold the phone, push buttons to let others in and out, make a copy, write a tardy slip, write a bus pass, look up a sub, and order supplies all while greeting a new family"! She related that while she felt this picture was an accurate description of her responsibilities, "everything was for good and I enjoyed it all." Dr. Jori Phillips shared "she is dearly loved by all faculty, staff and students. She leaves behind some very big shoes and we are all going to miss her more than she knows!" Mrs. Mankey, we wish you the best in your retirement and count our blessings that you chose to serve at Macks Creek School - thank you for making our school a better place these past 12 years!
Mrs. Taylor Dority will be leaving us after four years of faithful service to our preschool students and families. Thank you Mrs. Dority for all your work to lay a solid educational foundation for our youngest students. We have also appreciated her willingness to serve in other capacities, such as our high school cross country coach this year. We are going to miss you Mrs. Dority!
Mrs. Katie Allen has served 10 years in our elementary school as a 3rd grade teacher and as our 5th and 6th grade social studies teacher. Mrs. Allen is a hard worker who strives to make learning fun for her students. Mrs. Allen has a can-do attitude and has also served in a variety of extra-curricular capacities through different after-school clubs and even as a coach during her tenure here. We will miss you Mrs. Allen!
The board voted to extend the contracts Dr. Jori Phillips (as Elementary Principal) and Mr. Jason Trusty (as Middle/High School Principal). Macks Creek School is grateful to our hardworking principals!
The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 PM.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Michael Parrack. Vice President Byron Willis, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer, Secretary Stacy Trusty and members Ray Husong, Scott Gould and Sara Stoufer were in attendance.
The board was led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance by members of Mrs. Green's second grade class and Mrs. Willis' second grade class. The students answered questions from the board regarding what they are currently studying as well as their favorite and least favorite parts of school. Several students indicated they enjoy reading, math, art, recess and lunch! The board wishes to thank the parents who brought their children to this meeting and for the opportunity to visit with them.
The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, December minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $452,747.96. The February Regular Board meeting is set for the 9th at 5:30 PM in the District Office at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
Please use the following link to view the complete presentation shared at meeting: Please note, the board voted to maintain the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan as it stands. Additionally, the board discussed calendar options for the 2023-2024 school year which will be presented to the school community for feedback before it is submitted to the board for approval at the February board meeting. The board also voted to approve a Resolution opposing open enrollment.
The resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has resolved to focus resident taxpayer resources upon the education of students who reside in the District;
WHEREAS, no credible research shows that open enrollment improves student achievement; and
WHEREAS, open enrollment will result in a significant adverse financial impact on public schools;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Macks Creek R-V School District hereby resolves to oppose any legislation providing for open enrollment in Missouri public schools of non-resident students.
Next, the board heard the principals' report from Dr. Jori Phillips and Mr. Jason Trusty. Please use the previously shared link to view the Principals' report.
The board adjourned the meeting and entered into closed session at 7:33 PM.
The board voted to hire Ethan English as a part-time evening custodian.
The board evaluated the performance of Superintendent, Dr. Josh Phillips and voted to renew his contract through June 30, 2026.
Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Michael Parrack. Vice President Byron Willis, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer, and members Ray Husong, Scott Gould and Sara Stoufer were in attendance.

The board was led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance by members of the High School Cheerleading squad. The group performed a cheer they recently designed and performed at a competition held during the MCE Tournament.

The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, November minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $386,727.30. The January Regular Board meeting is set for the 18th at 5:30 PM in the Adell Library Media Center at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.

Dr. Phillips highlighted a strong desire by teachers and students to be in school on February 3, 2023. A student-led group created a petition to be in session on this date for Homecoming. The petition asks that the date "be banked as a snow day or exchanged on our school calendar as an alternate day off." The petition was signed by nearly 100 students and 36 faculty and staff members. Dr. Phillips shared adjusting the calendar to accommodate this request is very realistic as February 3 is already listed as a snow make up day on the calendar the board approved in February of 2022. Dr. Phillips indicated he would adjust the calendar of snow makeup days to move February 3 to the front of the list. After the utilization of this date along with makeup time already built into the calendar, the next 5 days missed for snow will not need to be made up. The adjusted schedule is as follows:

CPA, Jennifer Schatzer stepped the board through the FY22 audit in its entirety. Macks Creek School received a satisfactory rating which is the highest rating that a district can be given through this process. Please use the following link to learn more details about our most recent. audit : FY 22 Audit Summary The board approved the audit.
Our Registered Nurse, Rachel Stubblefield shared the Nursing Program Review for the Board's approval. Here are some statistics our hard working nurse presented to the board:
A. Vision Screening Information
172 students were screened for vision:
29 failed the screening and 8 passed when rescreened
19 vision referrals were sent home
Of the 19, 6 have now have glasses, 4 have been cleared by a doctor, 6 are scheduling an appointment with an optometrist, 2 are no response from home and 1 refusal to take further steps.
B. 8 COVID-19 Tests were performed and all 8 were negative.
C. Headlice screenings yielded two case, both of which quickly addressed the issue and returned to school after missing a day.
D. 32 Student injuries and 0 staff
F. 2,150 Nurse Visits (2005 were able to return to class and 145 were sent home)
G. A single 911 call to date
H. November 16th Fluoride Varnish, Dental Screening and Application Results
183 Students received fluoride varnish
196 received a screening by a dental hygienist
17 were identified with urgent needs (7 are under care, 10 are making appointments)
I. The Dental Van will be onsite in February and made available to all.
The board approved discussed our entire nursing program including the work of the Wellness Committee before approving Nurse Rachel's Program Review. Thank you Nurse Stubblefield for all of your hard work and dedication to keeping our Macks Creek school family healthy!
Next the board discussed the formation of a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) Committee . This work group will me four times in January to re-draft our district's plan. The board discussed dates and the hiring of an outside consultant to facilitate this process. The work group will be comprised of school board members, administrators, faculty and staff, parents, as well as business and community leaders. Dr. Phillips will publish more information about the CSIP Committee and their work.
Lastly, the board heard the report of elementary principal, Dr. Jori Phillips and MS/HS principal, Mr. Jason Trusty. Their report is below:

Superintendent's Corner
A look at what happened at the regular meeting of the Board of Education...
Thursday, November 17, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Michael Parrack. Vice President Byron Willis, Treasurer Jim Wehmeyer, Secretary Stacy Trusty and members Ray Husong, Scott Gould and Sara Stoufer were in attendance.
The board was led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance by members of the Macks Creek FFA. The group highlighted their recent trip to the FFA National Convention in Indianapolis.

The board approved the consent agenda which included the Treasurer's Report, October minutes, as well as the bills, payroll and withholdings in the amount of $274,345.41. The December Regular Board meeting is set for the 13th at 5:30 PM in the Adell Library Media Center at 245 State Road N here in Macks Creek.
Dr. Phillips shared the following during the Superintenent's Report:
Purchased and installed a new oven utilizing a USDA Food Service Grant
Bus Repairs – Bus 23 in the shop
Project to apply rubberized membrane to the High School Roof will start shortly.
Approval of our FY22 Audit in December
Wrestling Club is now practicing
MSIP 6 & CSIP Update – Spring 23
Annual Progress Report – Late Winter/Early Spring
Staff Christmas Party – Wed, Dec. 14 at RJ’s
During Old Business, the board reviewed the district's Safe Return to In-Person Instruction plan and did not make any changes.
During New Business the board reviewed and approved the following program reviews:
Homeless & Foster Care Program Reviews (Action)
ELL & Migrant Program Reviews (Action)
At-Risk & Counseling Program Review (Action)
Below is information shared by High School Counselor, Mr. Alexander Jones, Elementary Counselor, Mr. Tanner Glodt our Career and College Advisor, Mrs. Candy Bothwell and our At Risk Coordinator, Mr. Lee Dobbs (who also serves as our Homeless Liaison, Migrant and ELL Coordinator). The board approved each of the program reviews as presented.

Lastly, the board heard the report of Macks Creek Elementary Principal, Dr. Jori Phillips and Secondary Principal, Mr. Jason Trusty. The information they shared is below:

The board voted to adjourn at 7:30 PM. No Closed Session was held.

The Macks Creek R-V School Board Members during the May 2024 regular board meeting. From top left to right: Scott Gould, Cody Stoner, Byron Willis and Ray Husong. From bottom left to right: Liz Stoner, Stacy Trusty and Sara Stoufer
Mission Statement
Inspiring Success: Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day!